
Jul 13, 2010 00:56

so, I'm at work right now, it's a bit slow, so I thought I'd write a quick post.

Saturday night at work I got a call from one of the guest, they needed the toilet plunger.  I went up there and the good news was, there wasn't any "yucky" stuff, just water.  Bad news, after some plunging, I tried to flush it again and the damn toilet started to do a Niagra falls impersonation.  In my panic, I'd completely forgotten that you can TURN OFF the water to the toilet using a handle in the back, so the whole bathroom soon had a nice little pond in it.

Well, after unclogging it, I had to go downstairs, get a ton of rags and new towels for the guests and, after several minutes soaking water, I put all the towels and such in a large trash bag.  I tell you, a bag full of wet towels is HEAVY!  And after all that wiping up and then dragging the bag down to the first floor, then over to the laundry room (which was on the opposite side of the hotel), my breathing was all ragged, I was sweaty and I ached all over.  I felt like I was going to pass out, puke, and have a heart attack, maybe all at the same time.

After sitting down next to the A/C in the computer lab, I managed to recover a bit.  This drove home the idea I really need to try and get back into exercising.  As I've mentioned before, I was doing a bit of exercise after work for several months there, but I got real discourage, despite all my work, I'd apparently somehow gone UP a pant size.  For the past couple of months though, I've only been doing it sporadically, especially since of late I've just felt exhausted after work, and just wanted to go straight home and collapse into bed.

That's another thing I've been trying to figure out... seems like the past several weeks I've been more tired than usual, and I'm not really sure why.  Can't really think of anything specifically that's changed, other than the weather... I've had some allergy problems here and there, but nothing unusual for me.  Turned on the A/C about two months ago, but I thought I cleaned it out pretty good before hand.  I don't know.. maybe it's just this night shift starting to wear on me.  Maybe I need to spend a little bit of time outside in the sun before I go in... soak up some natural light.

Going to probably see the doctor soon, guess I could mention all this to him, but I dunno.. there's some many different possible causes for my problems, how are we going to pin it down to one thing?  I mean, I'm working night shift, which screws up the body's natural sleep cycle, I'm overweight which doesn't help, I'm suffering from depression, which can also cause excessive sleepiness, and I've got apnea.  And that's another thing, I'm tired DESPITE using the CPAP.  So, it's like, which one of these is the culprit?  Or is it something else they haven't even identified?

Sometimes I think if I had the money I'd get every damn medical test known to man done... I mean, if it turned out to just a simple cause of me being too heavy, then fine, I could try (once again) to work with that, but I can't help but think there's something else wrong with me, something they haven't found yet.  With all the crazy problems I've got, sometimes I imagine in my head some kind of weird lump or malformed tissue lurking in my brain software, release too much (or preventing the release of) some chemical or another.  If they could just find it, and excise it, all my symptoms would lessen.  I wouldn't be so depressed, so I wouldn't feel the need to eat excessively, which would help me loose weight and exercise more, which in turn would help me sleep better.  I'd get thinner, which would boost my self confidence and help me meet new people, maybe get a girlfriend... As the weight started dropping off, I could work more and harder without getting tired, getting a better job, more money, which I could then go back to school or even move elsewhere...  And things would finally start looking up.

Course, maybe I'm just dreaming.. maybe there isn't really anything specific wrong with me that could be cured a bit more will power on my part and I'm just a damn wuss looking for some non-existent magical pill. 

depression, jobs, money, medicine, work

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