Feb 20, 2010 20:37
So, I don't have to work tonight, but I got called INTO work last night... the girl who was supposed to work went to the ER cause she was running a high fever and they told her to stay home for 24 hours cause she was contagious. Or something.
Anyway, I had been up since 7am that day and got a call around 6pm wanting to know if I could work that night. So, like a dummy I said, "Yes." (Man, I gotta remember to quit answering my phone when it rings.)
When I got home, I went almost immediately straight to bed, woke up once to answer a phone call and then slept again. Got up around 5:30 feeling hungry, but still tired. It's weird... I'm off, but I'm also feeling "off". just feeling in a draggy, don't want to go anyway/do anything kind of mood. Even now, I'm yawning and contentplating going back to bed.
You see, that's another sucky thing about working my shift, even when you get time off, it takes you a day before you feel like you can do anything besides vegetate. Chores? Shopping? Going out with friends? Not likely.
Anyhoo... just thought I'd ramble a bit before laying down.