May 18, 2009 00:38
It's funny, I thought I hadn't written one of these in a "long" time, but it turns out it's just been about six days. Feels longer... course, considering i usually check my inbox on LJ every couple of days (and post something at least one a week) maybe it has been.
Gosh, what to talk about? I don't have any real idea right now. I mean, I've had a lot of things on my mind, and thoughts about different stuff but I just didn't really feel like typing it down. And so much of it is a bit of a repeat of previous entries I just didn't really see the point. I mean, been having some bouts of depression, been thinking about girls, and, more specifically, how I don't have one, how I could try date one, all the contradictory advice and get and how all my thoughts seem (true or not) to come back to, "Well, if I just weren't so damn heavy..." Been thinking about what to do in the future, and how to improve my situation in life. Been thinking a lot about my new Magic The Gathering hobby, and whether or not it's really helping to meet new people or is just another obsessive waste of money on my part (course maybe I just feel that way cause I keep consistently losing always every damn game I play.)
Been thinking about current events, things I like, things I don't like, not happy with certain aspects of the way the world's going, but just don't feel like ranting about them in my little corner of world just now.
So, yeah, got a lot on my mind, just not sure if any of it's really worth writing about.
I do have some news, the hotel job I applied for, well, they went and hired someone else for it. So, that stinks a little bit, but hey, maybe the new guy will decide night shifts aren't for him or something. Course, dunno, seems like a lot of bizarre things happen at the hotel that was offering the job. According to the guy who works there (the one I learned about the position from) one time a guest reported a four foot long black snake hanging out on the back patio of the hotel. I heard that and I'm like, "Whoa, you gotta be kidding me!"
He says, "No, she [the guest] said she went out there to pick up an empty beer can box and the snake poked it's head out."
"Wow, that would have been something, but seriously though, four feet? That's pretty big for a snake around here..."
"Yeah, well, I saw him and his body stretched out almost over the entire part of the patio, so he was a pretty long fellow, but I told the guest not to worry, it was starting to thunder, so I knew as soon as it began raining, he'd probably move away."
You see, the hotel they have there is just about a hop skip and jump away from a small forest, so they get all kinds of animals wondering on in. He said one time a guest was attacked by a deer. In case you're wondering, that's not too unusual around here, some thing happened a few times at SIU campus, where there's several tree areas near the buildings and stuff. In fact, I'd seen several deer myself once while outside shooting some footage for a video editing class (no, they didn't attack me, those freaking deer KNEW better :)