Things I've been working on...

Dec 04, 2008 05:12

So, been trying to do some creative projects and stuff just for fun, and to be doing something productive.  At this one website I go to, they had a contest recently called "Most Tasteless Holiday Decoration", in which people can submit photoshoped pictures.  I submitted not one, but TWO entries.  I've posted them below.

NOTE: My sense of humor is a bit bent, so dunno if you'll want to view these or not.  Nothing sexually mind you, just a bit disturbing.

Not sure I fully conveyed this one correctly... you see, what happened is Santa got caught in the bear trap and gnawed off his own leg to escape.  Plus, I think I should have put in a better background... ahh, well.

This one should be self explanatory.  I admit, I stole this idea from a Christmas card I saw several years ago, the card's caption (which maybe I should have included on the picture) said, "One way to tell you've been REALLY naughty this year!"
BTW, the winner of the contest gets $50.00 :)

In addition, been sorting through several of the pictures I've taken recently, lots of autumn related stuff, like fall leaves, Halloween decorations, etc.  Going to maybe post some in future entries.

contest, art, comedy, cracked, weird, photoshop, humor

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