Sep 22, 2008 21:07
Been trying something new these past few days. Normally, when I get home from work, I take a shower, then either go do stuff on the computer and/or watch some TV for a couple of hours before I go to bed. Usually I end up staying up just a bit too late (or later than I intended) and then wake up groggy when my alarm clock goes off around 9:45. Well, the past few days what I'd do is usually come home, lay down, and go straight to sleep until I wake up, figuring maybe if I went to bed first that would help with my tiredness problem.
Well, crazily enough, I'm still feeling tired and groggy... This morning I messed on the computer for a bit and went to bed around 10:30 am or so. Woke up... not sure, I think twice maybe? to use the restroom, then went back to bed. Then I woke up "for good" around 8:30 or so.
So.. not sure what the deal is. Maybe I start taking the occasional over the counter sleeping pill. I bought some way back when I first started night shifts, but haven't used any yet.
Still not sure what's causing all this tiredness.. I mean, am I depressed because I'm tired, or tired because I'm depressed? Or is it some other health reason? A lot of people will just point to an easy answer like, "Oh, well, it's cause you're fat." but I think there's more too it than that. Still, when you're overweight armchair physicians (usually thin people) have a tendency to point EVERY health problem you have as stemming from you being overweight. And yes, I know that can be a factor in some of them, but still, I think I could walk down the street, and my head literally EXPLODE, covering passerbys with brain matter and other such stuff and someone would go, "Look at that! He got so fat, his head exploded!"
Ahhh... anyway..
Today's my FRIDAY! Yay! Not sure what I'm going to do this week, gonna contact my friend Matt and see if he wants to stop by and hang for a bit. Need to call my parents, double check and make sure they're cool with the loan thing.. man, be glad when I get the money and pay off this back rent, tired of having that damn debt having my head.
Speaking of debts, a woman from a collection agency called... gonna have to call her back eventually. You see, one of the hospitals I owe money too turned the bill over to agency...
Damn, that reminds me, I need to call the other TWO places I owe money to and let them know I'll try to pay them ASAP... usually I keep in regular touch with them (up until this current financial crisis, I'd been sending them both around $20 a month...)
Ahhhh... money, money, money, and none of it free. It yells, "Goodbye" and is it leaves me.
Ha, I just made that up!
Oh, think my dinner's done, see ya!