It turns out that 'The Dresden Files' is actually kinda fun. Not as good as my other Sci-Fi babies, it doesn't have the same spark, but it's still quite ok. Somewhat repetitive and a bit blander than I would wish for, but I'm a sucker for urban fantasy and Paul Blackthorne oozes charm by gallons, so I basically just gave in eventually, without even
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And 11! And 15! Freck!! *Brain meltdown*
14 is Die Hard!!!
It has to be!
Think think think. And 15 is an adventure classic. I'm sure you'll get it.
*Is proud*
I'm not sure, but going on the whole hunch thing... 7... is it Girl, Interrupted?
Okay... I'm gonna do something productive now. ;)
Hmmm, perhaps I should do something productive, too? Perhaps do the Time Series Analysis homework? Naaah. Read a book? Naaah. Go check out if there's somthing new on Go Fug Yourself? Now, that's a thought.
*Is proud*
Hehehe, well i ended up watching TV, so there you go.
And now for what I forgot to comment about at the beginning... the quizz distracted me.
I kind of want to see Sunshine, so my quiestion to you is, should I watch it in the cinema or wait for the DVD?
And it's definitely worth it to catch 'Sunshine' in cinama. The big screen certainly agrees with it.
Cool, will have to see if I can drag myself to the cinema soon.
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