Yeah, I saw that too. It's just that it's the same woman who let the cancellation rumor out in the first place, so I don't really see her as a particularly reliable source of information now. And the VM gossip mill is pretty crazy nowadays. So I worry a bit.
Ah, well I've seen this story a few other places, so I guess it depends where the story originated... I have no idea, I've only seen one or two episodes of the series.
Well, the fandom is kind of a mess these days. THere's been loads of unnecessary spazzing. I really think there's no sense to do anything else but wait patiently for the official announcement.
At least I really don't think that VM getting actually canceled is going to hit me all that hard. I'll be sad, sure, because it's one of MY shows and it really had its moments, but I'm not going to wilt from sorrow. I mean 'Veronica Mars' is cool but it's no 'Deadwood'.
Updated: Veronica Canceled? Here's What I Know...
By Kristin Veitch
Mar 15, 2007 10:11 PM
And the VM gossip mill is pretty crazy nowadays. So I worry a bit.
I have no idea, I've only seen one or two episodes of the series.
At least I really don't think that VM getting actually canceled is going to hit me all that hard. I'll be sad, sure, because it's one of MY shows and it really had its moments, but I'm not going to wilt from sorrow. I mean 'Veronica Mars' is cool but it's no 'Deadwood'.
I think a lot of fandoms are starting to worry.
I've decided to just wait and see what happens.
The wisest possible strategy. It might yet be that we get through the end of the tv season without any casualties.
But I've never been a big VM fan, I've tried several times, but can't seem to get into it.
I'm hoping.
I'm not really that worried about SPN to be honest. And from what I've heard House had already got a 4th season, so I'm happy.
House got a 4th already? Cool. Not that I'm surprised, it has very good ratings, but still that's great news.
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