'Stargate Atlantis' packed up the third season and left me all bereaved, so I've been drowning my grief in copious amounts of fanfiction. I honestly thought I managed to break clean more than a year ago, but it looks like that was a premature assumption. I'm weak, a shocker. I'm not actually complaining all that much. SGA fandom might actually be
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*snickers* That's what watching too much SGA will do to you. I had pretty much exactly the same reaction. :P
And since SGA is mostly just Rodney McKay for me, I'm madly deeply in love with him right now (usually I'm just mildly smitten).
McShep is love, that's a truth that cannot be denied.
Actually, McShep is the only reason I like Sheppard. I fell in love with McKay, when you focus all your loving attention on McKay, there's no possibility you could possibly somehow miss the blatant slashiness, and the slashiness was so delightful itself that I started to like Sheppard by association.
Ok, I digress, where was I? Oh, right, mmmmmmm 'Echoes'.
Really? That's funny, because it was more or less the other way around for me. I fell in love with Sheppard first, because he was stunningly handsome and I loved his humor as well as the darkness underneath. McKay was someone I could either take or leave. I actually noticed the on-screen McShep-ness pretty late (I know, I must have been blind!) and gradually started to love McKay as I watched on. Nowadays I might almost like McKay better, though I still think Sheppard is the more interesting character - and he gets extra points for The Pretty. ;)
But, yeah, "Echoes" - so much cuteness and shippiness and banter and that lovely happy ending. *sighs*
Sheppard isn't exactly all that pretty for me. Attractive? sure. pretty and omg hot? nope, that's Ronon ;)
*g* Predictably, it's exactly the other way around for me. I can appreciate Ronon's good looks (though I mostly like him for his coolness), but Sheppard? I constantly have to restrain myself from jumping my screen when he's on it. No, seriously. If I had a type, he'd be it.
On the other hand, Sheppard is almost always the better dressed one. And, damn, does that man look good in black.
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