Alright, so I haven't used Livejournal in ages, and was reading an interesting post from It was about a column Edward Boches, chief creative officer of Mullen, had written about how college graduates should differentiate themselves from the competition. On it was the usage of social media.
Here is the article, and I suggest anyone in the same position to read it: In this day and age it is important to be as conversational as possible. (Ugh, i've even decided to use Twitter, oh how i loathe you. But that's another story for another day). I've read numerous blogs, but never decided to do one of my own. So here it goes, my re-branding usage of my own Livejournal, from trivial teenage bullshit of the yesteryears, onto my insights and thoughts on things related to advertising. However, for the time being, I'm still going to keep my Freakazoid! icon, because, well, it's just an amazing show.