This weekend, a group of 8 of us travelled to Puerto Viejo, a rather Jamaican-feeling beach town on the Atlantic coast, often referred to as the Caribbean region. I didn't get any pictures because I forgot to recharge my batteries and didn't have any flourescent green mushrooms handy. If you don't know what that means, please don't ask me to
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--"crashed at his house" right. ;)
-- that guy on the bus was clearly on green
mushrooms... whatever the hell they are (whos not a nerd? This guy!)
--lunch ourselves? is that they way they say things? nice.
--i hear your ketchup grievances, sister. First off, ketchup here is called tomato sauce, which is blasphemous to my italian heritage. Second, it is NOT salty and delicious as we know it, but rather very sweet and runny at times. Third, many aussies put it on in gross amounts, even more than those people that u know put it alll over their eggs or something like that. Fourth, it costs between 25-50 cents for a packet of ketchup at some restuaruants/fastfood places. Fuck that. The ONLY good thing about the ketchup here is the fact that they are in these cool little containers- looks like two little ketchups right next to each other, and theres a hole in the middle, and you squeeze it and it comes out all nice :)
-- i had vivid images of you getting "owned" by the ocean. I then had even more vivid and hilarious visions of you punching the ocean in the face.... sorta like Dane Cook punching the shark in the face "I punched the shark, he tried to get away, I grabbed him and punched him again and said Fuck you shark!"
--huzzah for monkeys!
Sounds like you had a fantastic weekend... wish i coulda been there to share it with you. COngrats again on the award, my roomie is amazing!
love piepie
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