
The Oxygen ~ Chapter One: 2. Manchester [a]

May 09, 2013 07:42

Oxygen ~ Chapter One:
2. Manchester [a]

Summary: 23th Century, where oxygen become rare thing in the world.

Characters: Fictional european football players.
Disclaimer: Everything here come out from deepest imagination. Nothing ever or will actually happen, I'm not a paranormal. All total made up. AU,Alternate Universe.


Chapter: One: 2. Manchester [a]
Characters: Fernando Torres, Steven Gerrard, Xabi Alonso, Daniel Agger, Wayne Rooney, Paul Scholes, Michael Owen.
Rating: NC-17 overall
Pairing: Steven Gerrard/Xabi Alonso, slightly Fernando Torres/Steven Gerrard, Daniel Agger/Fernando Torres.
Chapter Summary: Fernando was slowly growing up. He started to daring himself to go outside, alone.
Word Count: 4400~
Warning: Nope, maybe. For this part only.

Feedback: Greatly appreciate. Any criticism, correcting mistakes always welcomed.

0. Prologue
1.1 Liverpool

Author's Note: This is me, breaking my own rules. Hhh. I tried my best to write it understandably. This series is sooo very hard to write, but also so important to me. That's why I breaking my rules, just for this series, only for this series. I put many rare (for me) characters here, because I need their rolls for characters development and future chapters. I hope it won't disappointing anyone who read this piece. Enjoy! ♥


Everybody's waiting
Everybody's watching
Even when you're sleeping
Keep your ey-eyes open
-Eyes Open, Taylor Swift


Getting used to the frightening sharp needle, getting used to the way his oxygen transferred through his vein, not through his mouth like he usually did was one of the difficult things that Fernando had to go through on his life. But he had to, he had to fight his fears, he was slowly getting older, he knew the world wouldn't allow him to be a spoiled child, forced him not to be a weak one. At least he tried his best. And so, his greatest achievement so far was when Steven and Xabi allowed him to go to a public school at age 15.

Steven and Xabi also had slowly grown to be mature and dependable men, they were working on the company named Anfield, power of which was undoubted for the world, it was one of many big companies that provided oxygen. Steven was their youngest manager on the technical department, and Xabi was being one of their promising future scientist.

Fernando was still rarely allowed to step outside, because Steven and Xabi still couldn't believe in him. Once, when Fernando was 16, he asked them to let him drive the car, Steven's car. At the beginning, Xabi agreed and taught him to drive slowly, although the had autopilot, pretty much it successfully ran smoothly. Until, after several days of learning, Fernando desperately begged to the older men to allow him to go alone. They finally allowed him, after he showed his excellent paper sheets from school, although he had just asked to drive circling around the block, really. But then, unfortunately for Fernando, he was surprised by a sound of breaking glass in one of the houses in the block. It made him accidentally bummed the car on the high pavement. Just one single little, tiny scratch on Steven's car made him lose the trust he had built difficulty. It crumbled down so easily.

“I'm nearly 17, Stevie. Why do you still not allow me to go outside by myself?” He asked Steven miserably on the morning while he was waiting him dress up for work.

“It's because you are still 17, Fernando.” Steven replied him calmly, on his task to wear his tie.

“But you're not much older than me.”

Steven gave him a weak smile, then gestured Xabi to help him, with many meanings. Fernando hated it when Steven looked at him like that, made him felt he was still small, so small.

“Be patient, Fernando.” Xabi said as he helped Steven to fix his tie.

“I'm not a kid anymore. Besides, you two are just 3-4 years older than me.” Fernando frowned.

“You are a kid, Niño. Besides you are different.” Steven added checking himself in the mirror once again.

Fernando groaned burying his face in the pillow. He couldn't stand that Steven and Xabi always talked about him differently. Also he hated the 'Niño' word Xabi had found, joking it would fit perfectly on him. And they annoyingly kept calling him that.

“How will I grow up then?” Fernando tried another attempt, flipped his body to half laying on the bed, his feet on the floor.

“You are slowly growing up, baby.” Steven approached him and gave him a kiss. “You're getting stronger everyday, Nando. Look, your body is almost full of muscles now.”

Steven's fingers trailed Fernando's abs.
Fernando's moan slightly slipped from his lips when Steven's fingertips touched his skin underneath his uniform.

Steven smirked mischievously. “See?”

“Stevie, come on. Fernando is late.” Xabi checked on his watch.

Steven helped Fernando to his feet and locked their mouth. Gave him his morning oxygen. He caressed the blonde soft hair that he thought was growing too long for his liking.

“You know, maybe you should cut you hair, sweetheart.” He said after he ended the kiss and swept away the messy blond locks on Fernando's forehead.

“Really? I-”

“Ahem.” Xabi cleared his throat, already standing in the doorway.

Steven laughed, and he wrapped his right arm around Fernando's shoulder. “Somebody is jealous.”

Fernando followed laughing.

Xabi pulled Steven by the arm, parted him from Fernando and locked their mouths together. “What if I am?” Xabi said with serious tone.

“Then you're so fucking sexy.” Steven replied teasing.

Fernando rolled his eyes. “Guys.”

This time Xabi was the one laughing. He pulled Fernando closer as well, gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“You'll grow up when the time is right, Niño. You have your own time.” Xabi told him.


“Nando, we'll pick you a little bit late this evening, because me and Xabi are kinda busy today.” Steven spoke when they were close to Fernando's school.

Then Steven stopped the car in front of the gate. He turned his body toward Fernando, and Fernando leaned forward to receive his oxygen again.

“Maybe you should get a boyfriend who can give you oxygen too, baby.” Steven said when he parted their lips.

Fernando just laughed hollowly.

Xabi gave him his bag. “I've put more syringes for your oxygen supplies inside, just in case.”

“Alright.” Fernando nodded from his seat behind him.

“Be careful, okay?” Xabi smiled fondly, messing the blonde's hair.

“Okay.” Fernando groaned as he fixed his hair.

Steven pulled him again for one more kiss. “Take care of yourself, big boy.”

“I will, I will.” Fernando said, pulled himself out and opened the door to step outside.


The whole day Fernando couldn't concentrate on his lessons, which was a rare thing. He had always been fond and exciting about school and learning new things. But today, his mind was wandering around, he thought hard over something, but not what his teachers were teaching like he usually did. He caught up in his own thoughts without even being aware of what he's doing. Mr. Kenny even warned him twice during the class.

“Hey, blondie. What's wrong with you?” Daniel, one of his classmates approached him on the hallway when he wanted to get his injection on his locker.

“N-nothing.” Fernando's voice trembled, always, when he wanted to inject himself.

Daniel saw his shaking hands when he pulled the needle out from the box. “You afraid of the needle?”

“No.” Fernando tried to hide his weakness.


“I don't.”

Daniel suddenly took the needle from Fernando's hands.

“Hey!” Fernando shouted.

“Here, let me help you.” Daniel offer his hands.

“No, I can do it myself. Give it back.” Fernando insisted.

Daniel groaned and grabbed Fernando's left arms. “You are really a stubborn. I have a cousin that has this kind of problem too. I know how to handle this.”

Fernando tried to pulled his arm, but Daniel's grip was stronger. He hated being weak, but he had no choice, he finally surrendered.

“Alright, do it if you can.”

“You'll thank me, Fernando.” Daniel smiled and said as he patted Fernando's skin, preparing him.

“Ready?” Daniel asked him.

Fernando just raised an eyebrow. With one sure movement, Daniel injected the oxygen slowly through Fernando's vein. Fernando bit his bottom lip, still couldn't handle the pain and the fear that ringing on his mind. He glanced at Daniel's concentrating face. He suddenly remembered the teasing words Steven gave him this morning, he blushed for the thought. He shook his head.

“What?” Daniel looked up to him making Fernando looked away.

“Nothing.” He had known Daniel since they were still on the freshman year. Fernando was just a shy boy, mostly hidden on a corner during lunch time, paying too much attention to their teacher, and mostly buried his face in his books or laptop. On the other side Daniel was more active, easy going, and friendly with the others. He had pretty many friends to hanging out with, and Fernando didn't have. They didn't talk much though, but Fernando knew the boy was kind and caring. But it has never crossed Fernando's mind before about having a boyfriend.

After several minutes of Fernando's torture, Daniel pulled out the needle gently. And he lifted Fernando's arms to his mouth, wanted to place a kiss to the spot he injected. Fernando pulled his arms on reflex.

“W-what are you doing?”

Daniel looked between guilty and.. blushing? “I'm sorry! I just.. automatically did that. You know, with my cousin.”

“Oh.” Fernando's cheek was still colored red.

There was a few minutes silent of awkward moment before Daniel cleared his throat and he gave Fernando the needle back. “I-i have class in,” he checked his watch, “5 minutes. If you need anything, just ask me, I'll try my best to help you.”

“Y-yeah, me either, I mean-- I have class too. Er, Thank you.”

“Okay, um, bye. Eh, see you.”

Daniel left Fernando standing dumbly on the hallway. Fernando was walking into his class on automatic, still drowning on his own mind, he felt like he should do something important, but he was forgetting the whole thing about it. He didn't even pay any attention on his last class. The ringing of the bell was the thing that made him jumped from his seat and woke him from his absent-minded state.

He met Daniel again when he stepped outside his class. He bumped to him in the hallway when he was bowing his head to check his phone. He just realized that he had to wait for Steven to pick him and couldn't think how to spend his time that he didn't know how long would be.

“Easy there, Blondie.”

“I-i'm sorry.” Fernando stuttered when he met his eyes.

“That's okay, just watch out.” He patted Fernando's shoulder.

Fernando watched as Daniel stepped aside and wanted to pass him, then something crossed his mind.

“Dan!” He quickly called him.

“Yeah?” Daniel turned back.

Fernando hesitated to ask, “Have you.. Have you ever been to Manchester?”

“Manchester?” Daniel raised his eyebrow. “Of course.”

“I..um” Fernando actually didn't know where those words coming from.

“You.. want to go there?” Daniel helped him finished. But he didn't hide his obvious confusion for what Fernando intended to. He didn't know much about the shy blonde.

Fernando hesitated again, then he nodded a bit embarrassed

“You never been there before?” Daniel asked him.

Fernando didn't want to show Daniel his other weakness, but he had no choice.

“No.” He whispered almost inaudibly.


There was barrier of silent that surrounded them on the crowded hallway. Daniel was waiting Fernando's next words patiently. Then Fernando spoke again, “Can you-”

“Okay, I'll drive you there.” He answered it without hesitation as if had expecting the question.

Fernando shook his head, “No, no, that's not what-”

“Hey, I told you, if you need something just ask me.”

Fernando spoke quickly. “I just want to ask you how the way to go there.”

“It's okay, I'll-”

“No!“ Fernando cut him. “Thanks for your kind offer, but I really want to go there.. alone.”

“Are you sure?” Daniel looked at him with burrowed forehead.

Fernando smiled fondly. “Yeah, just tell me the way, Dan.”

Daniel still wasn't sure.

“Please?” Fernando plead.

“Where to?”

“Carrington.” Fernando answered it without any pause, it was just slipped from his tongue, popped suddenly from his mind. He didn't even know anything about Manchester, even more so about Carrington before, he had never been there before.

Daniel's face showed curiosity, “Carrington? Why? You have a friend there?”

Fernando didn't answer right away, he himself was confused too actually. His mind and body somehow kept telling him to do things he had never thought before. “Please don't ask me anymore question.”

Daniel folded his arms in his chest, looking at Fernando intently. Fernando had to wait for a minute before he spoke again, “I'll tell you if..”


“Um, you agree that I'll drive you until the station, at least.”

Fernando hesitated again. He had a bad feeling if he dragged people into this little (new) adventure with him, they would get hurt.

“Until the station?” Fernando sighed, crossed his fingers, prayed nothing would happen.

“Alright. The station. I promise.” Daniel grinned.


His feet was dragging him toward a building that caught his eyes, his full attention since the first time he saw it, like the building pulled him, called him to go there. Daniel kept his promise, he just drove Fernando until the station and he gave Fernando the directions to the City of Manchester, guided him to Carrington. The air here was different from Liverpool. It was more colder on his skin, but there was something else Fernando felt inside him, something warm instead.

He accidentally saw kids playing football on the dark alley when he passed. It seemed that football was so rare to be found on the street like this because he had never seen or played football since the scene that had made him see the dark side of Steven for the first time. And the way the kids were playing it was like they were afraid of being discovered. He stopped, watching them playing the ball under the shadow, and he just found out now that football could be played with many people, there were many (maybe) people out there playing it. He envied everybody that could play football like that.

“You're from Liverpool?”

Fernando jumped at the sound beside him. He didn't realize that there was a man standing beside him. Fernando just nodded as reply, didn't want to inhale the toxic air.


Fernando didn't know anyone from Manchester, or any Steven's or Xabi's friend that lived at Manchester. They actually had never talked about Manchester, at all. But he didn't sense any danger from the stranger, although he had never met nor knew a stranger before, outside his school. This was his first time to really went alone by himself. The weird thing was, he somehow felt he needed to follow the man. He was actually more afraid if he met people fighting for the oxygen than the stranger.

“You're risking yourself wandering around wearing something like that.” The stranger said as he closed the door behind him.

Fernando was wearing his school uniform, it was just a uniform, he thought it would be fine. Besides, he didn't planning to go to Manchester and hadn't know anything about Manchester before.

“Why?” Fernando asked, honestly.

“You've never been here before?”

Fernando hesitated, he didn't want to reveal himself too much to the stranger. If he answered this question, the stranger would know his weakness.

“I guess you never, huh?” Fernando could see now that the stranger was a smaller man, smaller than him.

Fernando kept quite. His eyes explored the house. It was a small house, smaller than Steven’s.

“I'm Wayne. By the way.” The stranger spoke again.

“Wazza!” Someone upstairs shouted.

“What?!” Wayne shouted back.

“Did you buy me lunch? I'm starving here.” The other man came down from the stairs.

“Buy it yourself, you lazy ass.”

“You didn't buy the lunch, instead you bring a.. weird blonde to our house?”

“I forget, okay? Fergie is really being a pain the ass today.”

The other stranger turned to Fernando. “Who is he?”

“He is- I'm sorry, what is your name?” Wayne asked Fernando politely.


The room suddenly turned silent, as if someone had pressed the turn off button of the sound. The other man approached Fernando, getting closer to him, to get a better looking at him in the dim room.


He scanned Fernando from top to bottom, from his hair, his face, quick glance to his body, his feet, then to his face again, more intently this time. Fernando shifted uncomfortably, then the other man suddenly gasped. Without anymore word he grabbed Wayne's arm and dragged him to a room behind them.

Fernando couldn't clearly hear what they talking, but he could hear indistinct gasps and whispers. 3 minutes later, the other man came out, not Wayne. Fernando could see that the look on his face had changed somehow, that he had turned much more friendly. And Fernando could slightly see behind him, Wayne had his phone on his ear, then he closed the door.

The other stranger offered his hand to Fernando. “I'm Paul.”

Fernando took his hand. Before Fernando could say anything, Paul spoke again. “Fernando, right? You're from Liverpool?”

Fernando nodded confusedly.

“You're living with.. Steven, I guess?”

Fernando tried to keep calm. He hid his shock.

Paul smiled weakly seeing Fernando’s slightly shocked look. “It's okay, I'm his friend too.”

“Stevie never-”

“Of course Steven never speak about Manchester, even more to you. I know.”

Fernando really couldn't register how the stranger knew about Steven. “How do you know about..us?”

“I'm afraid it's not my place to tell you about this.” Paul said politely.

Wayne suddenly came out from the room. “Mikey said he's waiting for us.”

Paul nodded understandingly, “Okay.” Then he turned to face Fernando again. “Fernando, can you come with us?”

Fernando wrinkled his forehead, then he checked his watch. He suddenly remembered he hadn't much time, he had to back to school as fast as he could. “I don't-”

“It won't take long. Please? It's for your goodness. We won't kidnap you anyway. You won't be harmed, I promise.” Paul smiled convincingly.

Fernando didn't find anything suspicious with them, but he still wasn't sure about them. However, deep inside, he felt he had to follow the strangers. “Okay.”

Wayne threw him a shirt. “And get change. You can't go to Old Trafford in those clothes.”


Paul drove them to the building Fernando had seen earlier. From this close, apparently, the building was old and kinda ancient. It seemed strange for Fernando, that it was still stood firm and proud, and somehow Fernando felt something oddly familiar in it.

“Old.. Trafford.” Fernando didn't realize his amazed voice came out from his mouth as he saw the big red sign above. He quickly coughed out the polluted air.

Paul smirked unnoticed by Fernando when his ears caught Fernando's whisper. He waited until they got inside the building to talk. “Welcome to Old Trafford, or people usually called The Theatre of Dreams.”

“Theatre of... Dreams?” Something made Fernando's whole body shiver. On what cause exactly, Fernando didn't know.

“Well, I don't know exactly how people started to call it like that, but surely, I've achieved a lot of things here.”

Fernando listened carefully.

“I've been living here for years, fighting, and gaining victories together here with a lot of people, and with.. Ahem, yeah a lot of people.”

“With Stevie?” Fernando tried to guess. “What fight? Victories over what?” Fernando wanted to ask, but he held back his tongue.

“No, Steven wouldn't ever step his foots inside this building, I think.”

Fernando wanted to ask why, but he didn't speak it again.

Paul led him to the hallway, where there were many big red doors on the right side of the wall. They walked passing many of it. He stopped walking as they reached one of the doors. From the calculation in Fernando's head, it was the center of the building. It was the one door that caught Fernando's attention. Paul smiled, and opened the door. The room revealed was a huge room, lightened by dim lights, but Fernando could see rows of red seats filling the room, all arranged to face one huge window, like a theatre indeed. Fernando couldn't see what was outside the window, it was pitch dark.

Paul slightly nodded toward the room, silently called him inside, and Fernando complied. Fernando was automatically dragged his foots toward the window, his curiosity pulled him, walking down the long aisle, forgetting the presence of Paul and Wayne with him, didn't realize that they were left him in the room. As he got closer, he still couldn't see what place it was.

“It's called the Arena.” There was voice told him from behind.

Fernando turned toward the voice. Silhouette of a man approached him from under the shadow. Then his whole body showed up, a hand offered to Fernando. “I'm Michael.”

Fernando took his hand. Then he felt some electric jolt on his chest suddenly, he retreated his hand quickly.

But the man, Michael, smirked instead. “I've been waiting for you, Fernando.”

Fernando raised his eyebrow, “Waiting? For me?”


Fernando had a weird feeling about the man, he wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. “Why?”

Suddenly there were blinking lights behind Fernando, from the window. Fernando turned his body and face to what Michael said was the Arena. Apparently, now after there were lamps lightening it, Fernando could see it was a huge, very huge dark place. He wasn't even sure if it had any bottom or not, because he couldn't see the floor of it. But there were steels hanging in the air. Enormous steels that formed an odd square shape, extending long, with a circle connected with a long line exactly in the middle of the square, and there were smaller squares, two smaller squares, one was bigger than the other, the other was inside the bigger one, exactly in front of the netted posts, each on left and right side of it. The posts made Fernando remembered the memory he had when he was 11 years old.

“Is this.. for playing football?” Fernando turned to Michael.

Michael smiled without tearing his gaze from the Arena. “Smart boy. It is for football, Fernando. But no, here, we are not playing football. We are fighting football.”

“Fight? How?”

“Steven has forbidden you to play football, I guess?”

Fernando couldn't read Michael's face. But he nodded as reply.

Michael scoffed, “That man is so predictable. So you've never played football?”

“I've play it once, when I was 11, and then Stevie--”

“I could guess what happened next, no need to tell me.”

“How did you--”

“I know him, I know Steven very well. He was my friend too.”


“Let’s not talk about him. The important thing now is you.”

Michael smiled once more, looked at Fernando finally, but he turned to look at the Arena again.

“What do you feel when you see this place, Fernando?”

Fernando didn't answer it loudly. But his heart could unexpectedly tell that it was something about--

“Glory, Determination, Survival. Those are football all about in here, in the Arena.” The way Michael said those words was encouraging Fernando somehow. Michael looked at Fernando again. Fernando's stomach knotted when their eyes met.

Suddenly the phone on Fernando's back pocket rang. Fernando quickly took it. “Hello?”

“Nando, I'm sorry, we are so busy here. I'm afraid I have to stay until late night, but I'm still not sure either. So maybe I can pick you up in..an hour or less? Is that okay?” Steven's voice was rambling on the other line.

Fernando froze. Less?! “O-okay.”

“I'm so sorry you have to wait this long, baby.”

“It's fine..”

Fernando could hear Steven smile over the phone, “Alright. Wait for me, okay? Be a good boy. See you, Nando.” Steven ended the call.

Fernando's face paled as he put his phone on his back pocket. “I-i'm sorry, I have to go.”

“Wait.” Michael's hand stopped him. And Fernando shoved him on reflex.

“Try to come back here on Sunday. We have a match. I want you watch it.”

“Watch? For what?” Fernando shrugged.

“You'll find your answer if you come, Fernando.”

For a split seconds, Michael's eyes dug into Fernando's brown ones. But Fernando didn't reply him, instead he just rushed toward the door. When he opened the door, Wayne was on the hallway.

“Fernando!” He shouted as Fernando was accidentally bumped into him.

“I'm sorry! I have a train to catch up!” Fernando yelled.

“Hey!” Wayne called him again, then he got closer. “You want to go to Liverpool? I want to go to there too. I have a car, I can drive you there.”

Fernando didn't want to burden Wayne, he had already helped him a lot today. He always hated if he had to burden someone. But he had no choice.

“You.. sure?”

Wayne nodded, “Yeah, no problem.”

“Thank you, Wayne. ” Fernando sighed relieved.

“It's okay. We are friends right?”


“I grew at Merseyside too actually, but I moved to Manchester 3 years ago.” Wayne said as he turned the car on a corner.

“Why did you move?” Fernando tried to catch up with the conversation. Because for almost 30 minutes drive, Fernando was quite, just listening to Wayne's endless stories about Manchester. But Fernando noticed, he didn't talk about Old Trafford nor The Arena.

Wayne laughed suddenly. “It was kinda accidental, or what Paul said a destiny for me. I was playing football with my friend at my backyard, then Michael showed up, came out of nowhere, like he knew from the first time I was living there and playing football there. He said he would give me a scholarship and my family money if I moved to Manchester. I moved to Manchester to support my family financially. I don't mind though, I love playing football, also Michael and the others still allow me to visit my family sometimes, like today. And that's my story. So, what's your story, Fernando?”

Fernando hesitated to answer, he thought hard to make up something.

“Me?” But he was saved by Wayne's ringing phone.

Wayne fumbled around for a moment before bringing the phone to his ear. “Hello?” “What?!” “He what?!” “Is he fine? Fuck.” “What? Don't tell?” “Alright, I'll be back soon. Shit.” Wayne slammed the wheel and threw the phone to the dashboard. Then he suddenly pulled over, “I'm sorry, Fernando. But I have to go back to Manchester as soon as possible.”

“What's wrong?” Fernando asked, concerned when he saw Wayne's terrified face.

“I'm sorry, I can't tell you. We are just several blocks away from your school, right? Is that okay if you continue walking? I'm so sorry, Fernando.”

“It's fine.” Fernando undid the seat belt. “Thank you, Wayne, you helped me a lot.”

Wayne smiled genuinely, “I've said earlier that we are friends, right? I don't mind to help you anytime, with everything.”

Fernando replied his smile and opened the door. He stepped outside in the cold air. He waved a hand when Wayne turned his car. He checked his watch, still 5 minutes before Steven would come back, he let out a sigh of relief.

Then seconds later, there was a loud crash from the road. Wayne! Fernando's heart bit erratically. He hoped that it wasn't Wayne's car. He ran to the source sound, then he suddenly realized that his breathing was becoming erratic either. He had forgotten that he should take his injection several minutes ago, and the panic attack made him worse. He grabbed his bag, with uncontrollably shaking hand he looked for that box Xabi gave him in the morning.

Damn. Where is that thing? His eyes became blurry, dizziness started to creep to his head, and he could tell his lungs were almost empty. He thought he could faint any second. Suddenly there were strong arms dragging him to the street alley. He couldn't clearly register what things were happening, but he could tell that there was a mouth attached to his lips, oxygen transferred to his lungs, and the next scene was just blankness. Darkness.


God of football, football fans, Fernando Torres' fans, please forgive me o:')
Thank you for reading! Feedbacks? Critics? Always needed! ♥

daniel agger, wayne rooney, nc-17, steven gerrard, xabi alonso, au, the oxygen ~ series, fernando torres, paul scholes, michael owen

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