
The Saint

Mar 11, 2013 01:55

Because Iker Casillas is my forever #1

Title: The Saint
Character: Fernando Torres, Iker Casillas, Xabi Alonso, David Beckham, Cesc Fàbregas, mentioned Victoria Beckham, Olalla Dominguez
Pairing: Iker Casillas/Fernando Torres, Xabi Alonso/Fernando Torres, David Beckham/Fernando Torres, David Beckham/Victoria Beckham, mentioned Fernando Torres/Olalla Dominguez
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3900~
Disclaimer: Writing this is just for fun. All lies.
Summary: AU. When the Saint come to save the Kid.
Feedback: Greatly appreciate. Any criticism, correcting mistakes always welcomed.

Previous part:
El Niño | The Manager

A/N: I'm sorry to all David Beckham/Iker Casillas shipper if this offend you. Well, I don't really know the details of any awards giving occasion goes, so I hope this is okay. And I feel like this is a very cheap fic that full of drama, but I really enjoy writing it, I'll try to grow up on my style of writing, and so I hope you enjoy it either way! And, I want to dedicate this piece to my amazing new friend, shangrilove I've edit it since you gave your advices, thank you:)

He's there, David Beckham, and Victoria Posh, his pretty fiancé, on the shining red carpet, worship by the interviewers, the raining shiny blitz, the world, while Fernando has to bear it, the humiliation of the perfection in front of his eyes. He's there, his David, abandoning Fernando to be the victim for his fame. Flawless couple they say? The world just doesn't know how fake they are.

Olalla Dominguez by his side, clinging onto him, a sweet girl that looks like a barbie doll, but she is not enough, she's just a formality that will never fill the void on Fernando's heart. At least it would cover the broken that shown on Fernando's face, because he doesn't want to lose it, the war that David Beckham started with him.

Olalla finds his girlfriends in no time and leave Fernando alone there on that crowd red carpet. Doesn't matter though, cause not long after that he feels a hand on his ass. Iker Casillas, of course.

"Hey handsome. How are you?" He grabs Fernando's ass and gives Fernando his perfect white teeth smile before hug him tightly.

"Iker. Yes I'm fine. How about you?" Fernando reply, hug back.

"No need for casual Niño."

"Is this Fernando Torres?" Apparently there's someone trails Iker behind, his big brown admiring eyes on Fernando remind him of a cute puppy.

"Yes he is. Fernando, this is Francesc. Cesc, the cause of your every wet dream, Fernando Torres." Iker introduces them. Fernando doesn't know if he just heard it or it's just come out from his dizziness.

Francesc shakes Fernando's both hands excitingly, disbelief as his voice is. "Oh my God! You're more amazing on person than on the television, than on the magazine, than I ever imagined! I've admiring you since your first debut! your last photo-shoot with Iker? Fantabolous! And your latest-"

Iker cuts him off. "Easy there mucoso. Fernando, Cesc here is your biggest fan. He's like your biggest fan ever." Pause, Iker whisper. "Watch out, he's your biggest stalker either."

"Hey! I hear that!" Cesc punch Iker's arm, not lightly.

Fernando give the younger man his genuine smile, reminding him of himself weeks ago, but less the boldness. "Thank you for the praises, Francesc. Nice to meet you."

"Cesc, just Cesc, please." Cesc grins.

"Are you here alone?" Iker takes control of the conversation again.

"No, actually I came with Olalla, but she's with her girlfriends right now, and yes, pretty much alone at the moment."

"You can join us! We were with our girls, but they are so cruel left us alone either. Right, Iker?"

Iker smiles. "Of course. Let's come inside before it starts."

Fernando feels his hair on his spine up and his back hot suddenly, and he turns his head around, searching at the thing that makes him shiver. His eyes meets with the most beautiful eyes, eyes of David Beckham, on the other side of the red carpet, with that devil on the red dress on his arm. They stare at each other eyes just a slight seconds, a very familiar eyes that used to felt like home, now Fernando feels like it is change, betray him, tortures him. How dare he? What he wants now? What he mean by that? He doesn't has a right to give me that eyes again, he doesn't even has a right to look at me anymore.

Fernando suddenly burning up and feels hatred creep inside his heart. He wants that man to hurt either, even he knows it never equalize the pain caused by the other man. But how? And is that a right thing to do either?

Fernando have been gone thinking too far apparently as he suddenly realize Iker arm on his waist.

"What's wrong?" Iker give him his concerning smile.

"It's nothing." He smiles back, then he finally put his hand around Iker's shoulder and follows Cesc walks in.


Fernando ends up sits between Iker and Cesc not so far from the stage. They get along so well. Cesc being so loud beside him, throwing jokes for everybody that steps to the glorious stage and Fernando has to control hard not to laugh out loud when David and Victoria hit the stage to take their award, fake, best couple award, Cesc blows "I hope her not so big fake bobs and ass won't fall."

But on the other side, Iker's hand suddenly on his tight, and David's eyes is on both of Fernando and the man next to him from the very first time he stepped the stage. As Fernando sees David locks his gaze on Iker, Iker's hand move upward to his crotch. Holy shit. What is he doing? Fernando curses under his breath. But what sends Fernando shivers is Iker's gesture. He sits firmly on his seat, face straight towards the stage, sharp eyes that looks like challenging David. What is that mean? What he mean by that?

The heat on the room that only Fernando can feel kills him. Fernando bite his lips, hold back moans as he try to get rid of Iker hand that now cups Fernando covered cock. But Iker is stronger, still working on between Fernando's legs like it is normal to gives a hand job on the room that full of people, on the moment when there's hundred chances of any camera caught them, but Iker seems too smart not to waste the advantage of the dim room.

Damn. Fuck. Fernando grips on Iker's hand and arm cruelly, nails digging at Iker's soft skin underneath the fabric clothes. Iker hand feels so fucking good, like it made for do it, can makes Fernando come at any second even as he is still fully clothed. Fernando can taste his blood in his lips now because of how hard he bite it.

Victoria on the spotlight of the stage still babbling something that Fernando doesn't give a shit about when a moan slip out from Fernando's mouth. "Ah."

Fernando has to hide his embarrassment by bowing his head down. And that makes Iker retreat his hand from Fernando either.

It's Cesc the one who first to react. "Fernando? Are you okay?" He asks with concerning voice in Fernando's ear, Fernando can only hear things now, but he doesn't see things, not see the wicked smile Cesc and Iker share, not see the satisfied look on Iker face, not even the furious David Beckham on the stage either.

Fernando try to recover, calming his heart beat and red blush face, then sit up properly. The advantage of being a good actor. "Yeah, I feel kinda dizzy suddenly. Maybe I need some fresh air. Excuse me." Before Cesc or Iker can react, he already gets up and takes his steps away from the room, head to the nearest bathroom, he doesn't look back to them, and thinks he can't face his idol ever again after this.

He get into the bathroom, sigh of relieve as he find the huge bathroom is empty, and step towards the sinks, looking at his horrible red face and wash it away with cold water. Then suddenly, the bathroom door open. Xabi Alonso, as predicted.

"Is there anything wrong?" Xabi asks.

Without any word for reply, Fernando grabs Xabi's hand and drag him to the nearest cubicle.

As the door close, Fernando immediately unzip his pants. Xabi knows by heart what this mean, comply without any hesitation, giving both hands to help out Fernando to get rid of his pants. Despite a bit surprise as he sees Fernando's cock already leaked with precome, he wraps his hands on Fernando's hard and deep red full length. Fernando doesn't hold back any moans like before as Xabi starts to giving him the pleasure that Iker started, leaning his head and body on Xabi's warmth, and keep his rhythm match with Xabi's hands movement.

Xabi knows he has to end it as fast as he can before somebody get into the bathroom, so he retreat his hands from Fernando, that makes a tiny protest sound comes out from the younger man. Xabi get on his knee, doesn't care about the cold bathroom tile, as he puts Fernando's cock on his wide warm mouth.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Fernando doesn't expect this as he lean his back on the cubicle wall and pump to dry by the hotness of Xabi Alonso's mouth. Xabi keep on licking and sucking on Fernando's cock, tempted by the curiosity and jealousy of what made Fernando this hard and horny.

Fernando cruelly keep moving forward, matching his rhythm with Xabi, fucking his mouth, makes a loud sound of bang on the bathroom. As Xabi wants to slowing Fernando pace by raise his hand to hold Fernando's hips, instead Fernando spurts his come all over Xabi throat almost makes Xabi choke. Xabi swallow all of Fernando sperms without protest, then lick it clean.

Xabi stands up on time to catch exhausted Fernando Torres from falling to the cold tile. The only sound that could be hear on the bathroom now is just their heavy breath. Fernando closes his eyes, leaning again to Xabi, try to control his breathe. Xabi calming Fernando, brush the blonde messy hair on his face, takes out his handkerchief and sweep Fernando's sweat.

After the quite moment, Fernando retreat from Xabi's warm body. Their eyes meet, and Xabi give him his genuine smile.

"Are you okay?" Xabi said as he help Fernando with his pants once more, zip it close, then fix his tie and messy clothes.

Fernando nods and be the first one to step outside the cubicle, head to the sink and wash his hand. Xabi follows.

"Where are you sat? I didn't see you before you stood and walked out."

Fernando stops and Xabi sees a bit red blush creep his cheeks on the mirror.

"Oh. I was with Cesc, Fàbregas. You know him right?"

"Yes. And?" Xabi aware.

Fernando hesitate. "Iker."

Xabi knows it, he did mistake again. When he is this close to slowly take Fernando for his own self.

Xabi dry his hand and said, "Alright then, you have an award waiting to be pick up there, let's go back."

"Yeah." Fernando sees as Xabi turn his back and walk out from the bathroom. He thinks about his manager, he has been Fernando closest person, the man who always be there beside him on any moment, happy or sad, the man who Fernando shared every tears and laughs, they've been worked hard together until they reach this fame. Is doing this thing is alright? What Xabi had in mind when they were having sex?

Fernando waits until he can't hear Xabi's footsteps anymore, then as he steps outside, he finds a man standing in front of him.


Ignoring the other man, he walks away, as far as he can from the man who put him in this very storm.

"Fernando." David calls his name again, follow him from behind, but Fernando still ignores him.

"Fernando!" David finally reach Fernando's arm and force him to turn around.

"What did you do with Xabi there?" David shows his jealousy clearly in his voice, sensing Fernando presence leaked of sex. Still no answer. "Hey! Answer me! What did you do?"

"NO! What are you doing here, Beckham?!" Fernando shook off David hand and suddenly the anger that he hold after such long time comes out.

"You can't just appear as if nothing happen! You even don't have a right to show yourself in front of me anymore! You don't have authority to told me what to do either!"

Between the lines, panic whisper come out from David's lips, "Nando, lower your voice, people could hear you."

"I don't care! You've hurt me! HURT me! Haven't you satisfied? What else do you want? Do you want me to die because of you?" Instead lowering his voice, he almost scream.

David is speechless, because never before Fernando this vocal over his feeling. Fernando looks like a mess, but always a beautiful mess, even Fernando's body is thinner, his eyes is gloomy after many sleepless nights and many hold of tears, he is still a beautiful creature in David's eyes. But it was David fault this time, he was the one who hurt this precious young man, he made him this broken.

"No... Nando.." Comes a hesitate reply from David.

"Because I love you! I love you so much it hurts, David.." Fernando can't hold his tears anymore. "I love you and it's killing me David.. Why David? Why did you do that to me?"

Love. The word touch the deepest part of David heart, but he can't describe what feeling is that.

"You know why I did that! I have to do that! It's for our reputation! The only way to hide us! To save us! If Vic-"

"No, no, no, that's not it, not this reason again, I'm sick of it! I'm sick of your excuses, sick of all your lies, sick of you hide everything from me. I'm sick of you David Beckham!" Fernando screams on the top of his lungs, with broken voice, and hold of furious tears finally escapes down his pink freckles cheeks.

David try to calm Fernando down by reach him once again, but the latter shakes off all his trials. "Don't touch me!"

"Fernando, I-" But all David wanted to say is prevented by sound of footsteps at the corner on the hallway.

David immediately steps away from Fernando, afraid of being caught, and it the scene Fernando wants to throw up. But as soon as he sees who is the person at the end of the way, he get closer to Fernando as if afraid of Fernando being taken. Fernando doesn't has any strength anymore, the emotional feeling he has had dried him, and he just standing still there. David is the first to react. "Casillas! What bring you here?"

Fernando shifts uncomfortably on his standing spot, remembers the moment of what Iker did to him a few minutes ago and sweep his tears away with the back of his hand.

"Hey, I was looking for Fernando and heard indistinct screams, so I check here. What's wrong?" Iker asks politely.

"No, it's nothing, we were just having a talk." David reply as fast as he could.

Iker steps closer, his face, his eyes, straight to Fernando. Ignoring David reply. He touch Fernando's cheek, sweep his remaining tears away. He soften his voice, "hey mister, are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine Iker, thanks for your concern" Fernando smile at the saint as best as he can at the moment like this.

"But you doesn't look good, do you want to go home? Or to the hospital? I can give you a ride." Iker gives his worrying voice again.

The older man beside Fernando getting annoy by the presence of the other man. "He said he's fine. I can take him home by myself, thanks for the offer."

"Can't you see he is sick?! You can't force things on him, he's tired of it." Iker become impatient too.

Fernando suddenly feels his dizziness come, has to hold on something, and by reflects clinging on Iker that standing in front of him.

"Fernando.." David can't hide his defeated voice.

"Nando, hang on there, I'll take you home." Iker try to hold Fernando still, keep him not to fall.

Fernando place his forehead on Iker's shoulder, mumbles, "I'm sorry.." But nobody know who he apologize to.

"He's with me." Xabi's voice behind Iker breaks the thick air that surrounding them. Before the other two man can reacts, he takes Fernando from Iker, takes his arm, wrap it on his shoulder and put his own arm around Fernando's waist.

"Xabi, but-" Fernando weakly speaks.

"It's okay, Niño, you have to rest." Xabi calming the blonde man, try to understand as best as he could.

"Is there anything I can help?" Iker asks.

"No, thank you Iker, I can handle this myself." Xabi replying as he start to walks with Fernando on his arm, but he stop by David Beckham hand on his chest.

"Let me take him." David say with such cold commanding voice.

"No. I don't need you." It is Fernando who reply, calmly. Fernando feel such weird strength on him suddenly. I already have through enough pain, and suffer because of David. It's time to turning my back against him, I won't let myself drag to that same hole anymore.

Fernando suddenly stand up straight, but still rest on the wall near him to support, and let go of Xabi's firm arm on his waist, and makes the other three man surprise.

Fernando takes a deep breath and starts to walks away, ignoring the others, ignoring the different gazes each of them give to him, ignoring all the pain he feel, leave them all behind.

"Fernando! what-" David become furious, but Xabi back him off far from Fernando.

Xabi doesn't know what to do either as he sees the blonde man takes his steps away from him.


Fernando staggering steps make him walks so slow, and his dizziness makes him doesn't realize that there's someone secretly trails him behind. As he unsteadily almost fall, the man arm catch him.

"Iker!" Fernando surprises to see the older man over the blur of his sight.

"You was amazing still could run away and left your boyfriend dumb-struck with that kind of state." Iker say softly. Fernando face red because of many reasons.

"What? I, I mean, he-" Fernando try to get up and retreat from Iker's arms and words.

But just like before, Iker is stronger than him. "Sssh, it's okay, I won't tell anybody." Iker calming Fernando and keep the blonde steady leaning against the wall.

"Really? I mean, thank you, Iker." Fernando finally smile.

"Right, that the smile I've been waiting for."

Fernando gives a cheeky laugh, and feel better suddenly, even just a little bit. "I'm sorry you have to witness my terrible moment." He bow his head with sigh of relieve.

"I think I would like to see each of all your moments after this." Iker say without any hesitation.

Iker hand suddenly on Fernando chin, force him to looks up, and capture their lips to lock together.

Fernando surprise at the sudden movement and on reflect push Iker's chest.

But Iker is steady and give Fernando the look of understanding.

"I'm sorry! I, I mean, I didn't-" Iker put his finger on Fernando's lips to shut him up.

"Hey, it's okay." Iker say with such soft comforting voice.

"Iker, I-"

Iker cuts him off again. His thumb on Fernando's bottom lips. "Don't you want to be with me?"

Iker's beautiful, strong, firm eyes are contrast staring at Fernando broken and painful gloomy eyes. Fernando can't answer it, this is too soon, there's still a cutly fresh scars in Fernando's heart, there's still a trauma of any relationship offer to take for Fernando.

Iker fingers brush on Fernando's soft blonde hair and his other hand takes Fernando's, hold it like it made from a very fragile piece of glass.



"Thank you.." The sound is barely audible for Iker, but it is certainly the most beautiful voice he ever heard.

The tears once again escape down Fernando's cheek, but this time for a different cause. And Iker sweeps it away easily with raining kisses. From Fernando's eyes, cheeks, jaw line, chin, and finally kiss that soft lips once more.

Iker kiss Fernando with such tenderness that Fernando has never felt before, makes Fernando believe that maybe he has found his safe haven, because God have sent the Saint itself for him. The kiss feels like forever, Fernando doesn't want it to end but Iker ends it with a slight suck on Fernando bottom lip.

Iker place his forehead on Fernando's, give the pair brown eyes of the young man such warmth and loving gaze, both hand on Fernando's cheeks. Then give Fernando words that he'll remember forever. "We will taking this slowly, I'll try to fix you, I'll wait until you're ready to accept me in your heart, I'll protect you and vow not to hurt you like he did before."


Fuih. What a drama. Thank you for kindly wasting your time to read this :}

el-nino ~ the series, cesc fabregas, nc-17, xabi alonso, au, fernando torres, iker casillas, david beckham

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