Fourth set of names: Inez Recillos, Mrs. Potter, Chris Larabee
Third set of names: Big Lester Bangs, Josiah Sanchez, Mary Travis, Lei Pong, Colonel Anderson, Sarah Larabee, Adam Larabee, Lucius Stutz
Second set of names: Governor Hopewell, Buck Wilmington, Lucy, Hannah Sanchez, Hank Connolly, Claire Mosley, Maude Standish, Capt. Francis Corcoran, Guy Royal, Vin Tanner
First set of names: Preston Wingo, JD Dunne, Dicky O'Shea, Louisa Perkins, Ezra Standish, Nathan Jackson, Emma Dubonnet, Hilda, Lucas James, Mattie Stokes, Charlotte Richmond, Cyrus Poplar, Nettie Wells, Rain, Mrs. Potter, Top Hat Bob, Powder Man, Billy Travis, Ella Gaines, Obediah Jackson, Jock Steele, Terry Greer, Olivia Greer, Judge Travis, Casey Wells
Your Bingo cards are here. Calling Bingo: If all of the names on your card have been called, reply to this post with "Bingo", and your team name.
20 points for a Bingo this round. You must reply before the next round of names have been called, which will be around Saturday, July 14, 9pm EST.
Feel free to chat in the comments about how close you are to getting Bingo, or what names you still need!