
'Friends' (Roberts/Ellington)

Apr 05, 2006 20:47

Featuring the fabulous striker partnership of Jason Roberts and Nathan Ellington (so what if he's no longer at Wigan). Would that I have the courage to continue this. o.O

021. Friends

"And once again, I am: The Master," Jason intoned. The tinny sounds of cheering echoed across the room as the score blinked 2-1. Nathan shook his head.

"I hate to think how many hours you've spent playing this, wasting your life away..."

"Hey, my life is perfectly full and social," Jason said indignantly. "And it's even better now that I'm winning all the tournaments. Just think, Nath, your loss will help me achieve the glory of becoming top Pro Evolution player in history."

"Right." Nathan poked the controls and frowned. Good, Jason's team conceded a corner.

Jason grinned. "Besides, you should be happy for your feller, yeah?"

"Oh yes, I'm singing praises to my arrogant bastard of a boyfriend," Nathan retorted.

The quizzical look on Jason's sister's face, the question 'You're... together, right?' hanging in the air, the shocked silence that followed. Nathan remembered the incident with less embarrassment than he thought he would feel. He'd never thought about Jason in sexual terms, but the idea that they could be lovers seemed almost, rather bizarrely, possible. He tried not to think about it too much; things tended to make more sense like that.

Jason chuckled, remembering the same incident. "***'s still apologising, by the way."

Nathan could still see her blushing furiously. "We've already extorted her for some new computer games, we're even."

"Nah, you know her. I think she's more in shock that we're not together."

"But what made her think that? You haven't been going around saying 'my boyfriend Nath' at home, have you?" His strikers pulled off some great passing and scored. 2-2. Jason grumbled.

"Hey, we're always together ("except when Leighton dragged you off to that Arctic Monkeys concert without me," Nathan muttered), and when we're not," Jason added pointedly, "we're always going on about each other. Perfect partnership on and off the pitch, that's what they say, right?"

Nathan thought about all the times they'd banter for hours, practically sealed off in a world of their own. "I guess we act like lovers. But without the sex."

He glanced up briefly in time to see Jason with that smirk on his face, the smirk that always got them in trouble. "That's easy to solve."

Nathan lifted an eyebrow. "...Is it?"

"I don't know, could be." Nathan could still hear that smirk in his voice. He lost concentration and his leftback conceded a penalty..

Nathan cleared his throat. "Jason, you can't be daring me to have sex with you."

"Why not?"

"That's, that's... too easy," he finished lamely.

"I mean," he hurriedly amended before Jason fell into hysterics, "we could, I don't know, jerk each other off right now and that's it. It's too easy." Jason's penalty went wide, his own team was on the rebound.

"I want romance," he declared. "I want a fucking seduction."

"Flowers? Candy?" Jason mocked, but he sounded interested.

Nathan smiled. "You know I never pass up free chocolate."

Nathan wasn't sure if either of them actually wanted to have sex, but they had never been ones to pass up a challenge. Things were getting tense onscreen, with only two minutes of injury time left.

"So if I'm the one spending my salary on you, then what do I get out of it?"

Nathan leaned back. "A night with the god of sex himself."

Jason laughed so hard the control slipped out of his hands and Nathan won, 3-2.

roberts/ellington, wigan, jason roberts, nathan ellington, challenge

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