
Dean isn't the only one saying stupid things...

Jan 10, 2004 03:17

The Democratic Party is dead, and it's Bill Clinton's fault. Presidential candidate Rev. Al Sharpton said this Thursday, but as I have said many times before, you probably didn't hear that from any of the big news sources.

"Bill Clinton won, the party didn't. And Bill Clinton [might] not have won if it had not been for Perot. That is my point - centrism killed this party. We didn't regain the Congress in 1998.... In 2000 we lost it all. In 2002 we were demolished, we were demolished. We lost everything as a party."

Sharpton said Democrats couldn't do any worse if they nominated him for president, since the party seems to be done already.

"People are saying, 'Will Sharpton, the Progressive, kill the party?' The party's dead. I've come to help start the resurrection,"

This typifies the liberal attitude. Just as their solution to the problems created by socialist policies has always been more socialist policies... the majority of Americans already cannot identify with the radically left Democratic leadership, so moving even more to the left, in their minds, with naturally fix things.

Way to go Al, keep up the rhetoric and you might finish ahead of Moseley Braun and the Communist, Kucinich... but still way behind all the others.

What I find so interesting is that despite this being one of the most explosive things said by any of the Nasty Nine, it was not reported by anyone except Rush Limbaugh and eventually National Review Online.
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