
Even more weird remarks....

Jan 05, 2004 04:11

Here's one I heard about but forgot to put up on here....

In a questionnaire from the Quad-City Times in Davenport, Iowa, Howard Dean was asked, who his "closest living relative in the armed services" was. His answer? His brother Charles -- who is not a military veteran nor is he even living, as the questionnaire specifically asked. Charles disappeared when he was 23 in 1974 while in Laos as a radical Anti-War activist and whose body was recently found this year there.
Why did Dean make such a clear and confusingly stupid mistake? No one seems to know... even his staff couldn't answer what he was thinking.

Or, how about Dean's remarks about not "judging" Osama bin Laden until he goes to trial and has been found guilty. Well this one his staff was so upset about that they practically forced him to clairify that he would support the death penalty for bin Laden if found guilty.

What even brought these remarks on? Who knows... not wanting to judge someone until they are found guilty is fine, but since bin Laden has already admitted to it and praised the September 11th attackers, I don't think we need to worry about finding him guilty... why he even brought it up is still a mystery to me. As for the questionnaire... maybe he's even more radically anti-military than I thought... that's the only thing I can think of why he would put that, a joke?

I don't think many people that served, or have family that served, would find that joke very funny.
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