What if I wanted to break?

Sep 11, 2006 15:58

My Personality





Openness To Experience






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MySpace Surveys, MySpace Layouts and hi5 by Pulseware Survey Software

You are introverted, reserved, and quiet with a preference for solitude and solitary activities. Your socializing tends to be restricted to a few close friends. You can be easily upset, even by what people consider the normal demands of living. People consider you to be sensitive and emotional. Novelty, variety, and change spice up your life and make you a curious, imaginative, and creative person. You have a strong interest in others' needs and well-being. You are pleasant, sympathetic, and cooperative. You are reasonably reliable, organized, and self-controlled.

Neuroticism Overall Score: 99
Anxiety: 98
Anger: 96
Depressiin: 96
Self-Consciousness: 99
Immoderation: 84
Vulnerability: 99

You can be easily upset, even by what people consider the normal demands of living. People consider you to be sensitive and emotional. You feel tense, jittery, and nervous and often feel like something dangerous is about to happen. You may be afraid of specific situations or be just generally fearful. You feel enraged when things do not go your way. You are sensitive about being treated fairly and feel resentful and bitter if you think you are being cheated. You tend to lack energy and have difficult initiating activities. You are sensitive about what others think of you. Your concern about rejection and ridicule cause you to feel shy and uncomfortable around others. You are easily embarrassed and often feel ashamed. Your fears that others will criticize or make fun of you are exaggerated and unrealistic, but your awkwardness and discomfort may make these fears a self-fulfilling prophecy. You feel strong cravings and urges that you have difficulty resisting. You tend to prefer short-term pleasures and rewards over long-term consequences. You experience panic, confusion, and helplessness when under pressure or stress.

Extraversion Overall Score: 3
Friendliness: 10
Gregariousness: 0
Assertiveness: 14
Activity Level: 0
Excitement-Seeking: 42
Cheerfulness: 56

You are introverted, reserved, and quiet with a preference for solitude and solitary activities. Your socializing tends to be restricted to a few close friends. People generally perceive you as distant and reserved, and you do not usually reach out to others. You tend to feel overwhelmed by, and therefore actively avoid, large crowds. You often need privacy and time for yourself. You tend not to talk much and prefer to let others control the activities of groups. You lead a leisurely and relaxed life. You would prefer to sit back and smell the roses than indulge in high energy activities. You enjoy some excitment and risk taking in your life. You have a generally cheerful disposition.

Openness To Experience Overall Score: 93
Imagination: 85
Artistic Interests: 87
Emotionality: 91
Adventurousness: 39
Intellect: 59
Liberalism: 99

Novelty, variety, and change spice up your life and make you a curious, imaginative, and creative person. Often you find the real world is too plain and ordinary for your liking, and you use fantasy as a way of creating a richer, more interesting world for yourself. You love beauty, both in art and in nature. Sometimes you become easily involved and absorbed in artistic and natural events. You have good access to and awareness of your own feelings. Familiar routines are good, but sometimes you like to spice up your life with a bit of adventure or activity. You enjoy a certain amount of debate or intellectual thought, but sometimes get bored with too much. Often you exhibit a readiness to challenge authority, convention, and traditional values. Sometimes you feel a certain degree of hostility toward rules and perhaps even enjoy ambiguity.

Areeableness Overall Score: 89
Trust: 97
Morality: 90
Altruism: 89
Cooperation: 7
Modesty: 98
Sympathy: 77

You have a strong interest in others' needs and well-being. You are pleasant, sympathetic, and cooperative. You naturally assume that most people are fair, honest, and have good intentions. You see no need for pretense or manipulation when dealing with others and are therefore candid, frank and sincere. People find it relatively easy to relate to you. You find helping other people genuinely rewarding and are generally willing to assist those who are in need. You find that doing things for others is a form of self-fulfillment rather than self-sacrifice. You are not adverse to confrontation and will sometimes even intimidate others to get your own way. You do not like to claim that you are better than other people, and generally shy from talking yourself up. You are tenderhearted and compassionate, feeling the pain of others vicariously and are easily moved to pity.

Conscientiousness Overall Score: 56
Self-Efficacy: 59
Orderliness: 57
Dutifulness: 54
Achievement-Striving: 82
Self-Discipline: 83
Cautiousness: 6

You are reasonably reliable, organized, and self-controlled. You are moderately confident that you can achieve the goals you set yourself. You are a reasonably organized person and like to have a certain amount of routine in your life. You sense of duty and obligation is average and although you are mostly responsible you can sometimes be unreliable. You strive hard to achieve excellence. Your drive to be recognized as successful keeps you on track toward your lofty goals. You often have a strong sense of direction in life, but may sometimes be too single-minded and obsessed with your work. You have strong will-power and are able to overcome your reluctance to begin tasks. You are able to stay on track despite distractions. You often say or do the first thing that comes to mind without deliberating alternatives and the probable consequences of those alternatives.

Umm, yeah. Congrats tho those who actually roughed it out and read it.
If not, oh well. I wouldn't ave read it, either. ^_^
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