Chuck's gonna break up with me.
I just know it.
Damnit, I should have done something.
I could tell he was bored yesterday...
but Andrew was there and all...
if his girlfriend had came I wouldn't have had a problem with
making out in front of him...
but I'm sure he wouldn't have cared anyway...
Grr... I'm so paranoid.
This sucks.
I'm so stupid.
Oh well, it wasn't the greatest time anyway.
I'm so fucking stupid.
Julia left this morning.
Ooooh, my Aunt bought me a shirt.
It's pretty. It's got a skull with a bow on it
and netting. It's cute.
Damnit, this sucks.
I'll bet he doesn't even call.
I'm going to start crying before he even breaks up with me!
Oh, yeah... VH1 Classic rocks.
I was watching Motley Crue on there yesterday...
damn it's good.