
fuckin' update.

Dec 11, 2006 15:22

To those who get offended easily, do not read the short rant which follows.

This is for those of you who still actually check this with regularity. Yes, believe it or not, I know every fucker who still checks it. Trackers, and all that, are not terribly hard to put on such pages, and are even less hard to read.
At any rate.

For the one who would be a prostitute, if she weren't so worried about her tits being manhandled... (her words, not mine).... yeah, I know you still look. I know the fuckin' lies you've told; hell even your supposed best fuckin friend just puts up with you out of contempt or the fact you've been around so long. Yet you think everyone loooooves you. And yes, I'm receiving some of the shit you signed me up for, and it's still just a slight annoyance. As it stands, I STILL stood up for your worthless ass multiple times, whereas you stood by laughing, thinking nothing bad would ever happen to you; guess you were wrong; so sad!
Too bad you left some pertsonal items behind when you ran away scared, still proclaiming your love (well, if prostitution can be love, I guess you WERE) though not doing a goddamn thing to help any situation, even your own.
Take a fucking hint now - I haven't fucking bothered you though I know you're still around. And you know fucking well what can be done with those personal items you left. Such as a lovely old bracelet. If you don't, ask your friend with the tattoo what can be done with such items that have such close personal attachment. So keep your fucking mouth shut with all the lies you've been spreading. I've fucking had more than enough of your shit you dumb fucking whore. Anyone who believes your shit deserves the same fate you do - misery on top of misery, with someone betraying you as much as you have EVERY person you claimed to care for. But then, at least SOME of your old "friends" figured out. Poor little whore.

To those "sometimes" friends - you know what, if you truly fucking cared, you'd pry your fucking worthless asses off the games, the tvs, the computers, the fucking phones long enough to respond to a message or call, and not just fucking contact when you actually want something or need help.
This isn't cubby's moving service, cubby's psychiatrist couch, cubby's car repair, or cubby's bank.

So do us all a favour - get fucked.

And with all that in mind - I don't want to be bothered by most of you. If I DO, then you have my new journal name and information, more than likely. If not and you want it, fucking ASK. If I ignore you or tell you fuck no, take a goddamn hint. For those who don't already have it or are ignored/told to get fucked, do exactly that; I don't have time for your overdramatic bullshit.

I just want all you childish fucks to get the fuck out of my life permanently, irrevocably and instantly, so I don't have to deal with the fucking backlash of your stupidity any more - I've taken quite enough in the past few years.

In addition, to you little pussy ass bitches who have been going around spouting about how you can kill me, my child, or what the fuck ever - go ahead and challenge me to a fight. If you were so badass, like little miss I want to be a whore, but oh! my tits! come fucking try. I'm tired of your shit. So let's settle this finally, eh? Unless, of course, I'm right and you're too much of a fucking pussy to actually do so. But then, I KNOW the whore wannabe is - after all, she's had her chance to try and backed down because she knows she's a weak pathetic piece of shit.
So how about the rest of you?
Let's get the shit over with, so the business of LIFE can resume without your stupidity.

{{end of the public disservice announcement}}
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