Oct 02, 2007 09:24
Ok, I understand that in the morning driving can be chaotic due to high amounts of traffic. But when there really is no reason, that pisses me off.
Now can someone tell me why a slight change of weather drives people insane instead of actually getting them to drive? Come on people it was a friggin light mist! It doesn't fucking burn the flesh. DRIVE GOD DAMNIT! And while you're at it, DRIVE SENSIBLY! Signal please...
Fuck people are dumb on the roads. AND DON'T STOP TO LOOK! KEEP MOVING ASSHOLE! People have important things do to and places to be. Ok, so there was an extremely minor bump on the bumper. SO WHAT?! Keep moving. Jesus H-Fucking Christ it pisses me off so much!
And that's my morning.
I don't even mind the rain. I like it. But it drives people insane!