Nov 30, 2004 16:10
[Name] Nicole
[Nickname] Nikky
[Screen name] cant tell you
[Birthday] April 4th, 1989
[Age] 15
[Astrological sign?] Aries
[Chinese zodiac sign?] i think the snake
[Location] new york
[Sexual Preference] um.. tehehe
[Marital Status] Taken
[Religion] I guess im Christian
[Eye color] Blue/Gray
[Height] 5'3''
[Shoe size] 6
[Parents still together?] Yes
[Siblings?] A lot of brothers and sisters
[ Pets?] Freddy
[ In school/graduated? ] In school
[ Rent, lease, or own your home?] still with my parents
[ Have any credit cards? ] no
[ What do you drive? ] Oh nothing yet but soon to be a corvette :)
Preferences Favorites
[ Color] black, purple, and red
[ Number ] 7
[ Animal ] polar bears
[ Vehicle ] Corvette, mustangs, and firebirds
[ Flower ] Rose
[ Scent ] My lotion and I dont know what kind it is
[ Shape ] Ahh...
[ Drinks ] I dont know
[ Soda ] COKE!!!!
[ Band ] Metallica, Korn, Def Leppard, and Disturbed
[ Song ] Stupify - Disturbed
[ Color your hair? ] Sure
[ Twirl your hair? ] Not really
[ Have tattoos? ] Not yet
[ Piercings? ] My ears and ill have my nose and belly done too.
[ Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both? ] Yup, a boyfren!
[ Cheat on tests/homework? ] all the damn time!!
[ Drink/Smoke? ] No
[ Like roller coasters? ] Yup
[ Wish you could live somewhere else? ] yea
[ Want more piercings? ] yes!
[ Like cleaning? ] Yup!
[ Write in cursive or print? ] Print, but I do alot of capitals..if u no wat
I mean
[ Carry a donor card? ] No
[ Swear a lot? ] Yes I do
[ Own a web cam? ] yea
[ Know how to drive? ] a little
[ Diet? ] Noo, are you kidding? Im sooooo skinny, ha ya rite
[ Own a cell phone? ] yes
[ Ever get off the damn computer? ] sometimes
[ Hablar Espanol? ] NO!
Have you ever...
[ Gotten a speeding ticket?] No
[ DUI? ] No
[ Been in a wreck? ] Yea
[ Been arrested? ] no
[Been in a fist fight? ] Not really..
[ Kicked someone in the nuts? ] YES!!
[ Stolen anything? ] yes
[ Held a gun? ] I forget, i think so
[ Drank? ] Yea
Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name? ] No
[ Considered a life of crime? ] no?
[ Considered being a hooker? ] Nope and it surprises me
[ Cheated on someone? ] yea
[ Been married? ] not yet actully no im never getting married!
[ Cried over a girl? ] Yes
[ Cried over a boy? ] Yes
[ Lied to someone? ] yes
[ Been in love? ] yes
[ Fallen for your best friend? ] wtf, no!
[ Made out with JUST a friend? ] yea
[ Been rejected? ] yes :(
[ Been in lust? ] yea and its gay
[ Used someone? ] yea
[ Been used? ] yea
[ Been cheated on? ] :(
[ Been kissed? ] yes
[ Experimented with homosexuality?] i dont no what that is
[Current mood] tired, bored, freezing
[Current music] def leppard
[Current taste] yogart
[Current hair] braid
[Current annoyance] my head itches
[Current smell] my house
[Current thing I ought to be doing] sleeping
[Current windows open] LJ, and mine and Chris's convo.
[Current desktop picture] damn blue screen
[Current favorite band] METALLICA FOREVER!
[Current book] um i dont know, whatever that book is in english
[Current cds in stereo] godsmack, linkin park, and korn
[Current crush] awwww its Matt!
[Current favorite celeb] screw them
[Current hate] all of you
[Current job] None
The last time
[Last book you read] of mice and men..
[Last movie you saw] i dont remember
[Last thing you had to drink] lemonade
[Last thing you ate] my yogart
[Last person you talked to on the phone] Cassandra
Do you
[Do drugs?] *lalala*
[Have a dream that keeps coming back?] yes..
[Play an instrument?] yup
[Believe there is life on other planets?] Yea
[Remember your first true love?] no such thing as true love
[Still love him/her?] no
[Read the newspaper?] no
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] yea
[Believe in miracles?] Yes
[Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?:] Yes
[Consider yourself tolerant of others?] not really
[Consider love a mistake?] yea
[Have a favorite candy?] yup
[Believe in astrology?] sorta
[Believe in magic?] Yes
[Believe in God?] ...
[Do well in school?] um sorta
[Go to or plan to go to college] yea
[Wear hats?] Not really
[Hate yourself?] Yes, Very much
[Have an obsession?] yea...I LOVE CHOCOLATE AND COKE!
[Have a secret crush?] Secret? I let everyone know..and its my b/f!
[Do they know yet?] uh huh, we are going out?!?!
[Collect anything?] yes
[Have a best friend?] no
[Close friends?] sure
[Like your handwriting?] no!
[Care about looks?] Im ugly, always will no
=Love life=
[First crush] Dont remember and dont wanna remember
[First kiss] ahhh I think his name was Joey or of those 2 boys
[Single or attached?] Attached
[Ever been in love] Yea, unfortually
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] No
[Do you believe in "the one?"] I guess
[Describe your ideal significant other] um well, looks dont matter...god i hate this, ahhh sweet, nice, funny...very funny, ME! stupid at times, he cant freakin lie, cheat, oh and wondering eyes...i hate that so much, it ticks me off. so yea he has to be cool too and likes my kinda music.
Juicy stuff
[Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?] yes
[Have you ever been intoxicated?] what?
[Favorite place to be kissed] my lips...
[Are you a tease?] HAHA!!! YES, alot of ppl say im a tease
[Shy to make the first move?] yes *hides*
Are you a
[Wuss] No
[Druggy] No
[Daydreamer] Yes!!!!
[Freak] YES!!!
[Dork] yup!
[Bitch/Asshole] yea
[Brat] yea
[Sarcastic] yea
[Goody-goody] nope
[Angel] maybe to chris, just im not
[Devil] yea
[Shy] yea
[Talkative] Yea
[Adventurous] yea
[Joker] Yes
[Flirty] only with my man!
Okay, I got very do it in ur damn profiles!! Cuz I forgot all about you. Tehehe.