MODPOST - Missing Fics and Pinch Hitting.

Jan 03, 2008 02:44

Hello, everyone! I'm stepping in briefly for kleenexcow to give everyone a modly nudge/announcement.

The deadline for this exchange was December 31st at 11:59 PM. Some of you were awesome and gave notice in advance that you would be a few days late. Some of you were less awesome and simply have not postd yet. THIS IS A REMINDER.

The following people have not posted stories:


If you are one of the abovementioned and you have posted, comment with the link to your story (I may have missed it going through the posts), and I will remove you from the list.

If you have not posted your fic, please do so by Saturday, January 5.

If something has come up and you will be unable to post a fic by Dec 5, please comment here as soon as possible so that we can find a pinch-hitter to replace you.

If the remaining stories are not posted by Jan 5, the requests will be forwarded to pinch-hitters automatically. Pinch-hits will be due one week later, on Saturday, January 12.

If you are one of the rockin' people who has already posted the story you were assigned, and you would be interested in pinch-hitting, please take a look behind

The following people have not yet had fic written for them:

(1.) Dark & scary dub-con involving Matt's powers. I'm not saying Matt should be okay with the dub-con, I'm saying it'd be awesome if maybe he didn't quite realize how dubious the con was(seriously, that's so ridiculously hot). Also, about this one? It doesn't have to be all that graphic. Even if it's just alluded to, I'm cool with it. I don't need out-and-out porn. I'm more interested in the psycholocigal impact.
2.) Gimme a mystery. Matt's a cop, Mohinder's a scientist - both of them are curious, highly intuitive people. I want to see them solve a puzzle. This one can be AU (ohgoshPIMattthat'sawesome), it could be crack (maybe the Petrellis are hosting one of those murder mystery parties, LOL), it could be anything. It could be Mohinder!Holmes all "Elementary, my dear Matthew" if you want. :D I like mysteries.
3.) Culture shock! Matt's Jewish, Mohinder's from India (and a little bit Hindu, at least culturally), Molly's got her own ideas about the way things ought to work. That's got to make for some interesting conflict.)

(1. A hybrid, multicultural uber-pc, self-mocking, humurous holiday celebration appropriate for a mixed religion, alternative sexuaity, super-powered family.
2. A scene where Matt and Mohinder try to decide how to celebrate X-mas for Molly's benefit, so technically pre-Christmas. The term "Christmas tree Jews" has to be used.
3. One in Matt's POV where he's slowly being driven insane by all the Christmas songs stuck in people's heads.)

(1. Snark and bad jokes/puns
2. Drunk Nathan Petrelli gate crashing the festivities.
3. A Darcy-esque bad Christmas sweater. Or bad matching sweaters.) Pinch-hitter acquired!

Again, pinch-hits will be due by Saturday, Jan 12. If you are interested in doing a pinch hit, please comment here. If you'd like to write for a particular person, you can list that, too.

Comments will be screened, so that if you have defaulted due to personal event nobody has to know about it. Also, so that anyone who wants to pinch-hit can claim a person to write for and it will still be a secret.

If you are claiming a pinch-hit, please list 2 choices you would be willing to write for - these will mostly be done first-come first-serve, and will help lessen the chances that everyone will gun for any one prompt or recipient.

Thanks again, everyone! If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message via LJ or email me at comixology at gmail.

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