(no subject)

Sep 23, 2005 16:19

Hello All!!

Lifes stressfull these days and thus i dont update.

Junior year is rough.... mrs. johhnsen hates me and yells at me because i cant do math. and i have her for homeroom and she yells at me for my uiniform every day and only me... and i will be in perfect uniform and shell amek something up and yell at me for a "fake tucked" shirt. and my other classes are stupid as well.

Cheerleadings going good! i'm getting to know all the girls better, which makes me happy. altho i do feel like i dont see any of the other junyass and seniors alot, and i miss them a reaall lot.
but we had our first games the past two weeks! oh and! we get to hold the sign and the boys run thorugh it!!! It basically makes me and shelb's week. haha 8-)

i just made up a new part of our routine for the middle row to do, and im really excited to show the girls tonight at practice. i just hope i have it to the right counts. im pretty positive i do.

yesterday i had an embarassing-ish funny moment, i'm in big red, windows down. Gangasta's Paradise is playing and im jamming.... who pulls up beside but the girls and pat in the carpool right next to me. they didnt even noitce but i was peeing. haahah

i have to write some superhero essay tonight. PAH. Armour you humor me.

Tommorrows a Varsity game! i'm excited to see the guurrls and i hope we win. yay

welll i just called in a sub, chow time then practice till 8:30 at GAB

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