So here we are! First of all, I'd like to thank everyone for participating in this round. Secondly, this is a huge list, so if there are mistakes (the possibility of which is very high), please let me know so that I can get the correct information posted!
_mydecember_ was sent music by
cloutier4eva_rhubarb_ was sent music by
aevalia_shelby was sent music by
anothersadsong_tulane was sent music by
wallaceraevalia was sent music by
developakashayi was sent music by
shellirothallergic_ was sent music by
one_if_by_landanothersadsong was sent music by
_mydecember_apostrophet was sent music by
stef_mariearabwel was sent music by
akashayiautomail was sent music by
celestedeloestebaseballchica03 was sent music by
leighblackbluestargirl6 was sent music by
jenishbookwoman84 was sent music by
eyelashwishbonesbaby33 was sent music by
minnie0612br3akable was sent music by
smiggitysmeebutterscotch was sent music by
iiudiancalp713 was sent music by
moonlitfractalcantinera was sent music by
sideviewhotelcar_parked was sent music by
juniathacelestedeloeste was sent music by
kinneycloutier4eva was sent music by
xfellxcrazybutsound was sent music by
icequeen3101crownzeal was sent music by
hookedontherushcumulushumilis was sent music by
bookwoman84cutouts was sent music by
_tulanedarchildre was sent music by
x0smb0xdevelop was sent music by
gennodifyr was sent music by
la_vie_en_jazzelfslut was sent music by
smashscembers was sent music by
rondavieweyelashwish was sent music by
lostt1footontheground was sent music by
tsarcasmgblvr was sent music by
kurukamigenno was sent music by
calp713goddess_loki was sent music by
media_resgoodmourning was sent music by
footonthegroundgypsyjolie was sent music by
manynameshookedontherush was sent music by
car_parkedicequeen3101 was sent music by
specialj67iiudian was sent music by
_rhubarb_indemnify_me was sent music by
bonesbaby33jenish was sent music by
ladylamentedjuniatha was sent music by
sheepgrlkgothesque was sent music by
sugarcoatingkimberleigh_ was sent music by
nose_bleederkinney was sent music by
crownzealkurukami was sent music by
br3akablela_vie_en_jazz was sent music by
moonbeautyladylamented was sent music by
goddess_lokileighblack was sent music by
arabwellikescarecrows was sent music by
magicifyouwilllopsidedpenguin was sent music by
unconventionallostt1 was sent music by
darchildremagicifyouwill was sent music by
synysterkissesmailea was sent music by
cutoutsmanynames was sent music by
queenallie03media_res was sent music by
bluestargirl6melloniel was sent music by
juniathaminnie0612 was sent music by
difyrmoonbeauty was sent music by
nybor4moonlitfractal was sent music by
butterscotchnitrophilia was sent music by
thepsychicclamnose_bleeder was sent music by
snoekie68nybor04 was sent music by
indemnify_meobi_wansgirl was sent music by
goodmourningolorwen was sent music by
celestedeloesteone_if_by_land was sent music by
stracciopink_potato was sent music by
tyriadarklightepipskeak was sent music by
likescarecrowspiracy was sent music by
automailqueenallie03 was sent music by
lopsidedpenguinrlanto was sent music by
olorwenrondaview was sent music by
vash_the_slayersaturnalia was sent music by
crazybutsoundsheepgrl was sent music by
gypsyjolieshelliroth was sent music by
spinshadowsideviewhotel was sent music by
piracysmashsc was sent music by
rlantosmiggitysmee was sent music by
gblvrsnoekie68 was sent music by
spectacularspecialj67 was sent music by
nitrophiliaspectacular was sent music by
allergic_spinshadow was sent music by
yachirustef_marie was sent music by
obi_wansgirlstraccio was sent music by
kimberleigh_sugarcoating was sent music by
pipskeaksynysterkisses was sent music by
kgothesquethepsychicclam was sent music by
cantineratsarcasm was sent music by
baseballchica03tyriadarklighte was sent music by
maileaunconventional was sent music by
saturnaliavash_the_slayer was sent music by
emberswallacer was sent music by
pink_potatox0smb0x was sent music by
cumulushumilisxfellx was sent music by
_shelbyyachiru was sent music by
elfslut Also, for those of you who are interested, there are still a few threads ongoing in
yesterday's post (and the linked threads from that post).