Longest entry ever!

Apr 11, 2005 15:39

Heyy.. i am sitting at school right now typing. im in 4th hour and just sitting in journalism being so bored on the computer. i have nothing better to do. i didnt go to bed until about 3am last night so i am like soo friggin tired it aint even funny.my last entry wasnt that great because i hardly was awake to even type anything.. i didnt really menchin alot of things that happeend .. but anyway.. i woke up this morning and i got to school by my english teacher..because she lives right by me..so i got here around 7:30 and school dont start till 8:20 lol.. its funn .. then after that..i just sat around.. and then me and jayson hung out the rest of the morning...then the bell rang.. i went to class.. and here i am now sitting in 4th hour block.. this class is sooo long.. there should be like a huge break besides lunch for the class..because we sit here for 90 minutes on a computer..haha.. i am a bigger computer geek thanks so mucho to this class.. lol i usually am on the computer as soon as i get home till late at night..then off and on i do things but keep my away message on lol.. wow tho..this is really boring. OH EM Gee.. i gotta talk about this weekend !! :-D . okay..heres whats goin on.. we are Supppoose to get michelle on friday ..but im not sure about this quite yet..i gotta talk to my mom when i get home from school today .. but my mom wants to pick her up on saturday rreeally early like.. 8AM!!! ahH!! thats early..that means i'd have to wake up at 6am..get ready..leave the house at 7am.. and be at her house like around 8am or 8:30am.. and then be back like maybe 9:30am.. because my mom needs to do some things.. and my grandparents are coming over most likely on friday and staying at our house.. so my mom doesnt wanna leave them home there all that time.. so anywhoo.. i really hope though my mom can go get her after she gets out of school because then my mom can pick her up..and they can come back.. but then she'd have to sit around my house until 9pm because im working until then.. and i have to be there right after school.. which thats the only part that sucks about this weekend.. and the fact that i am workin 3 workdays to make up for my weekend off..!! hellz ya.. my first whole weekend off! cant wait.. and i like cannot wait for michelle to come over though.. i havent been so excited in such a long time.. ive just been like.. "oo who..hoo.. " ya kno ? lol but i mean.. we have been friends for 5 1/2 years..thats like a really long time if you think about it.. and for all that 5 1/2 years.. we have been like sooo close.. and even though shes an hour away and all that.. we still remain bffs and really close friends... its realy great.. haha.everyone is like.. "jess.. what the hell are you typing.. you are typing soo damn much!! are you actually dooing your assignment for the first time in soo long? " .. haha.. but hey.. at least im typing something..even though this isnt my work i am suppose to be doing lol. but anywhooz.. i really cant wait until this weekend though.. oh em gee.. i talked to my dad yesterday about me being able to get a car..and i asked him if he can make a loan for me.. and he said that he cant do it beacuse his credit is ruined and everything and that maybe like one of my grandparents or SOMEONE can get me a loan.. i really hope.. because if i get a car.. and then i get one now..and enjoy it.. i can hvae it now.. and pay off for it later.. ya kno... ? and plus..if they do get me a loan..they arent spending any money for my birthday present.. cus basically i will be paying off for my own birthday present. .i wanna get a mustang soo bad i cant stand it.. i want it to be like the 90's models because i love that kind..they look sorta plain and stuff but idc.. because i can make it really nice.. wow.. i have been typing for a total of 25 minutes and i have typed so much.. i think i am going to do this everyday for now on .. and just type my entry up in class. ..and then put it on a floppy disk..and then when i get home.. put it in my journal.. because i cant go on livejournal.com because the school blocks it.. which really sucks cus i wish so much i can go on that site.. after im done typing this up.. i think im gonna look for a new icon.. haha right now my icon is buzz lightyear lol. so *random*.. ahhh so B O r E d !! haha i fell asleep in 2nd hour.. and usually when i go to sleep in class.. i usually can still hear things..and i cant fall into a deep sleep.. but i actually did today for the first time since like last year.. seriously ..and then the bell rang and i jumped up .. and it scared me soo bad.. my heart was beating so fast.. i was seriously freaked out.. i went up to jayson after class and im like.. "ahh omg.. i am like seriously freaKed out right now... " .. lol. then i went to spanish and put my head done for a while.. lol then in spanish.. we had to make these little stoopid paragraphs in english..then translate them in spanish..then she tells the class.. "no wonder why u guys dont do good in spanish..u cant even do good in english!!" .. lol. and it is sooo friggin tRue!! .. so then she had wrote all the mistake and spelling errors on the overhead..and most of them out of our class was me.. i was like..haha..this is funny.. lol and so many people cannot spell restarant.. its hilarious..they all spell it like.. restrant..and restiurant.. haha.. thats funny shit.. but then she quoted on what me and karry did.. and this is wut he accidently put.. *the tryed on landuray*.. haha.. i dont even kno still how to spell laundryeay.. like pantys and bras.. LMFAO!! AnnyWhoo.. wow i am still bored.. i think im gonna go look for an icon now. hhaa.. that'd like totally suck if my computer just like shut off and i lost this whole thing that i had typed.. haha.. i wonder if anyone will actually take the time to sit here and read this..cus it might take them about 30 minutes to read this all .. lol thats hilarious.. if you actually do read all of this.. then comment in my journal and let me know which retard would. lol just kidding u guys!! .. click on love me..at the bottom of this journal..and then u can write to me..and ill write ya back lol.. but yupper.. im gonna go .. because im going to lunch in 20 minutes..and i still need to look up an icon..and that'll take me a while because i can never make up my mind....theres too many to decide from!! ah! lol.. so im gonna go put this on my floppy disk..and when i get home.. ill put this on my journal.. hahaz i dont work today im so happie!! i work tomorrow though from 3:30 till 8:00pm..then thursday i work 3:30 till 8pm..and then friday i work from 3:30 till 9pm.. so that is basically my week.. well im out.. !! cus i am the perfect angle !! lol . ahha (insider) Muchos Luveos
..::l u v alw a y s::..
* j e s s*
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