Apr 06, 2005 15:23
Heyy!! Good day today!! im so glad it was a good day .. i just got off the bus and walked home.. it was a long walk but oh well. its good for my fat ass lol .. ugghh so bored.. im home alone.. well hm.. lemme just talk about today.. woke up.. then hit the snooze button a couple of times till i was late gettin to the bus.. so then ms galvin gave me a ride to school so i got there at 7:30am!! lol that was soo early . then after that, i walked around.. found Kyle.. he made up a new word.. nice.. its Trigga.. i have no fucking idea what it means lol.. so all today i was tryin to come up with my own cuss word lol .. then walked around with jayson for a little bit.. we had a typical morning.. stood by the lockers lol .. then the bell rang.. then i went to 1st hour..
*First Hour* was boring.. but then the teacher was assigning emotions for poems to us.. and Craig shouted out, "u should have the emotion, blonde" .. that was MEAN lol !! must i say..
*Second Hour* boring as hell lol. we had to take a friggin test ARggh! i know i soo failed that thing.. then i just skipped the rest of class and went to the bathroom .. lol
*Third Hour* was funny as hell.. lol we had to work in groups of two.. and make a story in spanish.. haha.. so me and carry worked together.. and we had a story of two kids in our class that were gay .. and went to a gay strip bar and danced.. then vin diseal came in ..and they juggled balls.. then they screwed lightbulbs.. then they tryed on ligureie.. then they ate sausage.. haha .. the teacher loved it lol.. she laughed so hard.
*Fourth Hour* journalism was great haha.. i sat on the comptuer and went into "darkstar" game and played around with people on the chat.. lol. i fucked with so many people lol. i say whatever the hell i want.. i call them computer geeks and just tell them to fuck off soo damn much lol .. its great..
*Fifth Hour*.. haha that was funny.. we had a old dude substitute.. and he just sat there.. Charlotte came over and sat next to me.. and we talked.. then this kid holds this magizine up to me and it says, "its baby making time!" .. haha.. then we're like.. "dude!!! we're puttin this in our profile tonight!!" lol that was great.. haha.. good times charlotte!
*Sixth Hour* was soooooo boring .. omg.. i hate it cus i sit right up by her too.. so i decided to take some sleeping pills that were in my purse. what such a great idea jessica!! not.. i am soo fucking tired right now and drozy.. lol. NOT good ..
*After school* .. found jayson.. said bye bye.. got on the bus.. haha Stanley and me were shoutin to each other pick up lines .. lol he was sittin in the front seat.. and i was sittin in the very back seat.. nice..
thats bout all people. that was my whole day lol.. now ill be home alone all night.. then im goin to sleep .. thats my day.. comment if u want lol
..::L u v::..
*J e s s*