Jun 17, 2007 15:06
Summmmmer's here.
Don't you wish that sometimes you wish you could see what happens at the end so you know whether to put your all into it? And when the result isnt what you expect you just kinda.. ehh. I just wish it could've ended up differently especially since I gave it almost my all. I don't know what else to do, so I've kinda just sorta given up. Whatever.
On the first day of summer my parents were pissed off at me so they left before I woke up. When I woke up there were all gone so I watched TV since they took my internet. I ended up watching TV until like 8 o'clock at night. Siiighhh -_- I watched enough of What Not to Wear, CSI, and _________'s Most Shocking Moments to last me a lifetime.. T___T.
Any plans? hit me up I got my cell back!