You might be a sci-fi geek if....

Mar 06, 2008 21:31

Awhile back,
maxiekatt2 introduced me to a hilarious writer for Entertainment Weekly by sending me a story he wrote about how he threw a Star Wars themed birthday party for his son. His name is Dalton Ross, and I like to go to to check out any of his articles. Last night, I came across an article that included Dalton's own list of what would qualify a person as a science fiction geek. Click on the link for the list.

1) You're undoubtedly a Dorkus Maximus if you have ever substituted terms like ''frak'' (Battlestar Galactica) and ''frell'' (Farscape) for actual down-to-earth curse words. Your intergalactic potty mouth should be immediately rinsed out with soap, or at the very least rinsed out with something manly like...I don't know. What do manly people drink, Jack Daniel's?

2) While we're discussing beverages, if you have ever put food coloring into your drinks to make them look like the funky space cocktails served at Quark's bar, then you are most definitely drunk on dorkiness. Actually, come to think of it, if you even know what the hell Quark's bar is, you qualify.
3) If you have ever at any point in your life donned Spock ears, proceed immediately to the end of this column. No further testing is required.

4) Do you enjoy mercilessly mocking Jar Jar Binks, yet sometimes catch yourself humming the melody from the Ewoks' celebratory jingle, ''Yub Yub''? It may be time to take a long, hard look in the mirror...after you remove your oversize Wicket W. Warrick costume, that is.

5) Speaking of which, if you have ever carried on a conversation that contained the phrase ''midi-chlorians,'' then the Force (of geekdom) is strong with you, my friend.

6) I pray for your soul if you have found yourself in the awkward position of mounting a defense for The Arrival (featuring a goatee-rocking Charlie Sheen) with an argument that goes something along the lines of ''Seriously, it's not that bad. See, the global-warming thing is not our fault after all. It's the aliens, man! The aliens!'' (Not that I ever did that or anything.)

7) Enjoy penning fan fiction? Go take a seat next to the Vulcan-ear posse.

8) Are you able to decipher each of the following acronyms: TNG, HRG, ESB, BSG, TARDIS, and - this one's a toughie - CSM? Congrats, you're one of us.

With regard to #3, I never dressed like a Star Trek character, but I was Yoda for Halloween once. 4 & 5 most definitely apply to me, and I was able to get half of the acronyms on #8 right. See if you can guess them, and then I'll post the answers later.

For the full article, click here:,,20034310,00.html

dalton ross, star wars, science fiction

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