It's not as if I decide to do this, it just ends up this way. I'm happy enough fucking around online for an impossibly long time, fiddling and searching and (possibly) learning something. Even though I could be reading the wonderful book I found in Kaze's room, ('Watching the English, the hidden rules of English behaviour' - Kate Fox) I keep getting restless and need the immediate gratification of the internet.
Despite the large amount of utter wank there is online i've always enjoyed the music hutning and nerding around on sites of subjects I am vaguely interested in. Also started reading some more of Sandra K Fuhr's stuff again, seeing as it's been a while since i've gotten into a 'serious' webcomic as opposed to the nerdhumour of ctrlaltdel and the like. Really amazing artwork, freaky story, interesting animated sections, I can't really do it justice.. Have a look.
Bah, other things I guess?
Off to Italy on Tuesday which will shake things up a bit. As much as I love Lancaster getting away somewhere random and new is always fun.
Nobody seems to update anymore. Neither do I, I suppose. If I can try, so can all of you *nods*