Comment to this entry and I'll pick up to three of your fandoms. You must then update your journal and answer the following questions:
- What got you into this fandom in the first place?
- Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
- Favourite episodes/books/movies/etc.?
- Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
- Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?
kelemvor, who gave me:
"Life on Mars"
"Man From U.N.C.L.E."
"The Professionals"
What got you into this fandom in the first place?
"Life on Mars"
Ah, the famous "how I got into Life on Mars story". I saw the first series DVDs in HMV, was looking for a new show to knit to and thought "might be interesting." So I picked it up. More fool me. Within three days I'd seen all the episodes and was searching for the fanfic and within three weeks I was posting my own. I don't think I've ever fallen so hard and fast for a show before.
"Man From U.N.C.L.E."
It was the mid-eighties, BBC (I think) were re-running The Man From U.N.C.L.E. and mum used to let me stay up and watch it (along with MASH - she fancied Alan Alda as well as David McCallum). The plots were invariably over the top, the sets occasionally shaky, but everyone was having an absolute ball and that's why I loved it then - as I do now.
"The Professionals"
The blame there rests solely on folk such as
hambelandjemima and
kimboosan. All fine folk I met in the Life on Mars fandom and all were either into The Professionals already or had succumbed to the pretty already. It only took a few screen caps and You Tube clips for me to order my own boxset and settle in for the winter. Plus Martin Shaw is so hot as Citizen Chauvelin in the Richard E Grant version of the Scarlet Pimpernel, that I *had* to see how devastating he was when younger. Answer - very much so, but he's definitely hotted up with age.
Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
"Life on Mars"
I'll still love the programme, but I've already started to drift slightly. I've not read much fic for ages, although I'm still busy in the fandom at least behind the scenes. I might go back, not sure.
"Man From U.N.C.L.E."
It's been twenty-five years and I'm still trying to get hold of
the ultimate boxset (there's no evidence it was ever released in the UK) and I still read a lot of the fic. So no, I don't think I'm going anywhere!
"The Professionals"
Hmm, still not sure. It's early days yet. I've avidly read all the fic (and it's a great fandom for long angsty epics) that I can find. I suppose it's dependent on decent fic being produced.
Favourite episodes/books/movies/etc.?
"Life on Mars"
The entire show. Seriously, it all stands together in my head. Though it was the pan round when Sam arrives in 1973 that's my favourite scene. It really sold the show for me - it's bewildering, weird, funny and utterly heartbreaking. Just the like the show.
"Man From U.N.C.L.E."
The Gurnius Affair. Definitely. Where Illya has to play the bad guy and Napoleon is caught? Oooh, scary stuff.
"The Professionals"
So many to choose from, to be honest. For good writing, probably Mixed Doubles - the parallels drawn between the two teams of boys is just brilliant. Weekend in the Country is great for plot, even if you can drive a double decker through some of the holes. Killer With A Long Arm purely for Martin's voice breaking (intentionally) in the middle of the line. But I'm a Doylite at heart and I'm probably going to plump for either Discovered in a Graveyard or Slush Fund.
Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
"Life on Mars"
Er. Yeah. *cough* I help mod several communities (including
zomromcomlomcom - the community for Life on Mars Zombie Romantic Comedy *cough*) and have been known to offer an opinion on what goes on. I may also have got together in a pub with several other fen at once.
(There's also a rumour that I've written fan-fic. I'm not sure I believe that either...)
"Man From U.N.C.L.E."
I read the fic.
muncle is a great site for that. But otherwise, not really.
"The Professionals"
I went to the christmas meet-up last year, and am already looking forward to this years'! (There is also fic. But again, I'm not actually confessing that...)
Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?
"Life on Mars"
Definitely. There's absolutely fantastic fic out there. The show is amazing and the folk are wonderful. Seriously. I've never met such a bunch of absolute nutters fantastic folk before. (And yes, I'm well aware of how many of my friends-list this applies to. *whistles*)
"Man From U.N.C.L.E."
Hmm. Yeah. It has its good moments and its silly moments, so I think potential fans should be realistic. But it really is great and would encourage folk to get involved.
"The Professionals"
Oh yeah. If you like fast action or eye candy (or both) this is definitely the show for you. Plus there's the drinking game, according to
draycevixen drink when you can tell the boys are dressing to the right and drink again when Lewis Collins (Bodie) dresses to the left. As
cuvalwen remarked - he's ambidickstrous.
Anyone want to play?
In completely other news,
pale greenhouse lettuce can make even the best salads look unsavoury, but a couple of days under weak ultraviolet light brings the colour back. One for the gardeners out there, I feel. Although, there *are* two alternatives. 1. Don't get so hung up on your pale lettuce or 2. Grow the things outdoors and eat them in season. Then they get all the ultraviolet radiation they need...
Does anyone know if the coloured water celery trick works for lettuce? That would be cool. Blue lettuce and red celery. cool.