The first half of this classic by Alcott is the story of Polly Milton, a girl from the country, who goes to live in Boston with the Shaws, her significantly wealthier aunt, uncle, and cousins. Polly's simple clothing and transparent life seems strange to the Shaws, but her warmth and kindness eventually wins the hearts of the whole family. The second half of this book, takes place six years later, when Polly is twenty-two. Polly returns to Boston on the load of furniture in a farmer's cart where she plans to work as a music teacher. She helps the Shaws to realize how much more important family is than money and material possessions.(adapted from Wikipedia)
I love all of the Alcott stories I have read and this is no exception. It is so refreshing to be able to read a wholesome, uplifting story that champions morality and caring for others. I highly recommend this book to all!!
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