long time no see

Jun 19, 2010 20:38

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dear livejournal sorry i haven't been using you to update...but now i'm back ;D do you miss me...haha i sorta miss you ;DD since not a lot of ppl i know use u it's a very good place to let my emotions run free at my fingertips =] so what have i been up to? nothing much....went to taiwan and then came back and drowning in boredom in the land of the free....iz so big but no where to go that's close and fun =p that's sad right? haha well i have my laptop which allows me to continue my obsession <33333 MR. CHO KYUHYUN i miss him =/ even though my buddy feeds me stuff while i'm in taiwan but i can't stare at him all i want anytime i want....>///< *sigh* oppa when are u gona come? at least i got to see 382 on 6/11 <3 so freaking skinny....why are u still so smexy after u r married and has a kid? wakaranai <3 but i guess thatz y u r always gona be my <3 teehee just right now not really anymore since u r not single anymore =p but u r still smexy anyways haha and i loved one of ur new songs ;D and the concert ver. of the other two that got released is better than i expected <3 teehee u r amazing but i missed the kvk boyz =p but i remember when i was so crazed about u i didn't spend that much $$$$ then i got into jam...his stuff isn't so expensive either....but mr. cho....what have u done to my wallet >[ now i have to work like crazy during the summer to get what i want >///< i duno if i should put a sad face up or an excited one haha maybe sad for now and happy later when i actually get to get the stuffs >w< bwahahahahaha
less talk about obsession and more about recent thoughts...i didn't really care for my age until i got back to taiwan...where they add two more years for no freaking reason to ur age calculated by current year minus ur birth year...that made me feel old...and walking around seeing people in uniforms for hs/ms/es made me realize wow i'm actually a lot older than these peeps...and some ppl out there my age have already achieve something but here i'm boring old meh still in school and still contemplating about life....feel like i'm wasting my life away...*sigh* o well what else can i do? i know a lot of things that can benefit society like volunteering and shizzle...but...being the person that i'm i don't do things that don't benefit ME haha ;D so ya... i guess i'm spending another summer at TEC working and school will start and then i will be freaking TWENTY-ONE wow....21 21 21 21 21... my DL will be diff...and my rights will be diff...and hopefully that's the only two things that will be diff ;D or i learn to be more mature and less materialistic? haha but for the time being i shall continue to WANT stuff i don't NEED <3333333 things that will make me feel happy >]



let's it for now atm...but will continue to update and change stuff to see my progress haha ;D my goal/list of things to get for myself this year ;D wish me luck that i get to get them allllllllllll haha aren't i a greedy person =p
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