Apr 09, 2006 22:23
Last night I wrote a few pages for my LJ because I couldn't get on the computer since it was really late. I'll continue all that eventually but for now, here's what I wrote :
So it is over... I'm sitting in my bed with my reedbook under my pillow as I write this down in my notebook. One word: WITHDRAWL. It has begun my friends. I can't even fathom the fact that I won't be sitting in my chair on monday, won't be playing guys and dolls, won't be laughin at all the same hilarious scenes and I won't be with my pit banders for hours on end. It is really upsetting and I know it really hasn't sunk in yet. I couldn't even sit here and write this in silence. I had to put the Guys and Dolls soundtrack on. Its making me cry... I know that makes me seem so stupid... but GOD do I ever love it all. This was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. And it is now officially over. I don't know what to do with myself. =(
Well I will----- Darn IT. Here come the waterworks. Guys its finally hit me and OMG this sucks.
As I was saying, I will always have the amazing memories. My treasured keepsakes will ensure that I don't forget. My reedbook, my pit band picture signed by all of you, my photos from the evening. Oh and my program, and the card from Gassi and the letter from Mrs. D and Dalton. Well the list goes on and on. I can't get over how amazing this whole experience was for me. It changed me as a person and as a musician. (Wow did it ever change me as a musician!!)
Gassi you are incredible. You really deserve all the credit and no matter how many times anyone says that it will never be enough. I have improved so much in such a short time that I can scarecly believe it myself. Thank you so much. To think that I can play my whole book without struggle. I remember when I was struggling with "I'll Know" when we first got the books. It was such a difficult part for me and I thought that I would never get it. You sat me down and we went note by note till the very end. Sure it took forever but you never gave up on me and that made me believe in myself. During every show before "I'll Know", I would nervously review my fingerings for those first few horrible bars. I didn't really need to, it was now a solid part that I could easily play, but it made me confidant and it became a ritual of sorts. Anyways I am rambling on and on here... Gassi, you are such a great teacher, conductor and guy. For everything that you have done, thank you SO MUCH. We couldn't do this without you. YOu are the most irreplaceable and indisposable member of our pit orchestra. Thanks for everything.
So now its 2:30 on Sunday and I've just come back from my last hockey game of the season. I wasn't really into it at all... I was way to depressed about this all being over. The whole game all I could think about was the fact that today is the first time in months that I wouldn't be playing G+D for a few hours. So the second I got back I whipped out the ole clarinet and ran through the book. I tried to plya with the cd but it was in another key AND they were so damn slow LOL. It really made me realise how awesome we really are... I mean we kicked butt on all the songs. Friday night was the most spectacular performance Mary Ward has ever seen since it was built. (Says me anyways lol).
So this is the part where I shall put my messages for my lovely pit band. Guys I know I have said it many times already, but I love you all so much. Sure, before this all started I knew of most of you, but I didn't actually know you. Now you guys are my family and I hate it when a day goes by where I don't see each and every one of you. If I leave anyone out here, I still love you!!! I'm just awfully forgetfull and absent-minded. I guess I'll go in order of where we all sit so I hopefully get everyone.
You're the most amazing drummer and it doesn't surprise me. We all knew you would be great since even in kindergarten when we were all colouring, you would be banging beats on the tables with crayons. I don't know what I would do without you!! You're my big brother and the only reason I was able to play Fugue for the Three Tin Horns in time. Thanks for always being there and for being the rock of the band.
At first when we had all those pit rehearsals in the band room I really never talked to you because you were far far away on the other side of the room. But once we got into the caf we hit it off right away. You're an awesome guy and can play any instrument I've seen you pick up. All of us clarinets may bug you and tease you, but know that we all love you!!! Just keep in mind who has the food... and the power ;) Watch your back Kirk :P Luv ya!!!
Same thing with Vince, I'd never really talked to him at all since he was all the way on the other side with Kirk in our first rehearsals. But once you sit for hours on end together, you tend to have a lot of fun. I think I'll remember you and your button for the rest of my life. Its a pit memory that will always make me laugh. You're a great musician, keep it up!
Lily you and your violin are AMAZING. I first met you when I did OASIS, and we had to trade groups remember? From there we met in band and bonded during our fun-filled clarinet sectionals with Mon. "Mother?" Ahahaha. I will be so sad when the Incredibles have to disband. You have to come back and visit after Grad, cause we will miss you too much!!
Stefania.... what can I say?? I LOVE you sooooo much. I've really gotten to know you this year and we've become so close. You're one of my best friends now and life would be sooo boring without you!!! You're hilarious and a talented clarinet player. Your Havanna solo makes tears come to my eyes :P We have so much fun everyday, before, after and during school that I don't know what I will do with myself when you go to Ryerson. I think Mon and I will suffer from Stefania Withdrawl. Thanks for everything you do, including keeping my super big secret AND ebing the most awesome ally in that project ;). I luv youuuuu, a bushel and a peck!!!!
hehehe I sit here...
We've been clarinet buddies since grade 9!! You are an astounding clarinet player and I couldn't do it without you! We had so much fun this year in pit. We were constantly laughing at one thing or another, be it people with weird laughs, Brendan in his mission suit or all the crazy things Matt would do to keep us entertained. I'm so sad that this is all over, but at least we still get to play together at every band rehearsal and quintet practice. We should start one up sometime soon, I think Bernard and Dominic miss us :P
Matt B
Matt... what to say about Matt?? Well first of all, this guy is an impressive musician. He learned a whole new instrument just for pit band. Now that is dedication. But outside of music, he is a great guy. Sure he'll tease the heck out of you and try to annoy you into oblivion at times, but you just have to love him anyways. Matt you really made the whole pit band experience amazing for me. You kept Jocelyn and I entertained during those countless hours of "hurry up and wait". You kept us laughing during the last show when we felt like crying the whole time. So many jokes, so many good times. I'm sure that the milking of the cow will live on forever. The reciting of the lines, the countless times we would all laugh at the same jokes. There is so much to talk and reminisce about, but I need to get on with the rest of this blog. So Matt, I love you to death and don't you dare ever change.
SO that concludes our little section of the pit. We were a tight-knit bunch throughout it all and we loved every minute of it. Oh, I forgot to mention The ever-famous BLC (aka the Baton Loss Count) somewhere... anyways, here is the rest of the band's little shout outs:
Michelle and Betty
Little Flute and Super Flute! You guys are great! And so patient. There is no way you could get me to wait that long just to play I freak out when I have 7 bars of rest lol. And Betty, I will always remember your head being in my way :P.
The oh-so-talented oboe player!! I am so grateful that you are in pit, someone to play my parts with me!! Too bad Tony and Donald never transposed the Fugue. You're an awesome person and I look up to you just like a big sister. I'm glad you're sticking around next year and I hope you come along to Europe with us!!!
Ok you are so good that I don't even need to say it. You have mastered all 9000 instruments that you play, including the claves. You've been my big brother ever since grade nine and you showed me where band was on the first day after TA. I'm gunna miss you SOOOOOOOOO much that I am making you stay a sixth year. Then you can save up for that bari sax!! What do ya say?? :D Ps. I still have your reeds!
Mel I love you lots and lots! She rocks the saxomophone! All of our early mornings with Ted were great even if I was asleep for half of them. Even though we were friends before pit started, we are definitely much closer now. PLZ join flag!!!! hehe Anyways I can't say I'll miss you since you're not going anywhere... and you sit right behind me in full band rehearsals LOL. Toodles!!!
Well Robin is quite the character. Despite the fact that he is always trying to embarass me by asking me funny personal questions or giving me compliments just to annoy me, I love him anyways. He's also a great sax player!!
Tony is a crazy sax player. How does he do it?? He has so much talent and when he plays with confidence it brings the whole band along with it. I love his solo in opening street scene!!! Awesome work kiddo. Europe will be a blast next year!! Not only is Tony amazing, he's also one of the nicest guys you've ever met. Luv ya!!!
I actually never really got to know her, but I'm sure she's really nice! She was sick for most of the rehearsals and so i never really met her. But I did play all her parts for the performances since Tenor Sax is also a B flat instrument. I got one or two extra solos from that awesome exchange (y).
Matt V
This guy is in a class all by himself. You just have to love him even if he's a big goof half the time. He's a really great musician and makes sure to lighten the mood during all our rehearsals. Life is never boring with Matt around!
Lauren and Mel
These two are our super-cool French Horns. I would love to say they sound great... but from all the way over on the other side of the pit we can't hear them. But I know that they rock, so good job girls!!!
Sarah and Jack
Our Trombones! They are so solid. Sarah, your solo in Havanna is so tight! I love how you just blast it out there. So awesome!! Jack, you and Sarah kick butt in Marry the Man. Great job!
Bryan and Zenas
Ok you guys ARE the band. You guys are SO talented and INCREDIBLY acurate. You put in so much effort and it really shows. Every note you guys played encouraged each and every one of us to play out. You set the mood of the songs, and without you guys we would not have sounded half as good. Zenas, we're so proud that you got the Fugue solo!!! Our side of the pit band has declared April 7th a national holiday: Zenas appreciation day!! I love you both!!! And Bryan... don't ever drop me!!
Last but not least its Alvin! Just so you know, I'm not actually mad that you took my shoe LOL. You're a great guy and pit wouldn't be the same without you and your cue notes. You do a great job with all your parts. Not only that, you take lots and lots of good pictures :D See you in band tomorrow fellow band junkie (y)
*phew* finally done. its like 10:30 at night now... I had to take a few breaks and then I had that 2hour palm sunday mass. But anyways, I'm posting this and getting back to those stupid units now.