This friends only banner is unsharable so please do not take. When I'm done with it, it will be posted at my graphics community
The mood theme (House MD featuring: House/Wilson) was made by
This journal is friends locked. 90% of the posts here are locked and usually unlocked posts are fandom-centered or just incredibly random. I have no problem with adding people to my flist so go ahead and comment! If you don't comment I won't add you. Why? 'cause I'd rather people from my RL not see this journal. :) Also, don't add me because you want to add more people to your friends list, that wastes your time and mine. D: As long as you can stand the fact that I cannot stop talking about azn boys - mostly krn boys - and Harry Potter, I believe we'll get along fine ;D
Updated: Friday, March 23rd 2006.