Nov 21, 2008 15:38
Hi all.. long time no update.
But.. as some of you may know, the inevitable happened.. I had our baby girl, four days before her due date. Charlotte Amelia, born November 12th/ 2008, at 4:51 PM. She weighed 5lbs 13 oz, wasn't jaundiced at all, and received 9's on the apgar score. We are so proud. She's healthy, normally very gentle natured and calm, and her features are very petite. I was slightly worried about her light weight, but it's no longer an issue, considering she's so healthy. She's gaining weight fast, and has doubled, nay tripled her diet in the past week of her life. It's amazing how fulfilling and rewarding it is to have someone depend on you and love you no matter what! And her mannerisms are very much like Kevin, and we've heard she looks like both of us - my eyes, his hair etc. Her bodily functions are alot like my husband, that's for sure. (haha) We could'nt have been warned how much would be added to our lives having her in them. It's almost as if she completed us, and now we're a true family.
My grandma and mother came down for a few days when I brought Charlotte home. The first thing my grandma said whilst entering the room was how "rounded" and "like my mother" I looked. Now, my mom's very pretty, don't get me wrong, but that's not what my grandma was driving at. Basically, she called me overweight to set the tone for the rest of her visit. Lovely, huh? My mom was a godsend though. She had nothing negative to say and spent lots of time with Lottie. She thought she was the bees knees. And she is. They left this past sunday.. and I have to say as far as my grandma was concerned, it couldn't have been soon enough.
It's been a heck of a time trying to find baby clothes that fit Char. She's only now returned to her birth weight of 5"13, so 0-3 month clothes are still huge on her. We've had to get preemie diapers and some clothes to tide her over til she grows more. It's tough too. She hates baths, and being naked. As far as the modesty goes I cross my fingers that she keeps that shy nature.. when it comes to being naked. Phew. It would make our jobs as parents during her teen years alot easier and less worrysome. (is that how you spell it?)
She's a bit fussy until her needs are met, then she's just fine. She's perfectly content to sit and stare at us. She loves Jazz and Acoustic music the most so far.. it's adorable how she'll quiet down to tunes.
Will try to keep updating, but no promises haha! <3