Apr 02, 2006 19:10
So I was trying to make icons when suddenly my muse ran away and left me completely blank. 8D So here I am, posting just to annoy the heck out of you. Hehe!
Anyway, contrary to yesterday, today was so hot. x_x If I offended the gods because I said some stuff yesterday, please forgive me. I'd rather die of cold than of heat. D:
I wish my muse would come back soon because I feel like making a bunch of icons. D: But if it doesn't then I'll have to resort to studying because I feel like studying too. 8D Yes, I'm in a weird mood today. I feel so bouncy~!
Nyaah~ I think I'm gonna go now. There's a super delicious mint and chocolate opera cake waiting for me in the fridge. *o*~ Yum!