(no subject)

Apr 03, 2009 02:54

Hey, Hillies.

Haven't seen as many of you up here, posting.

I understand why you don't tend to say hi to me on the streets. Up until lately I haven't been in the soundest of minds, and besides, it seems to me that they are watching us awfully close.

After all, we may have shared some kind of Hellish experience here, but it doesn't make us native in their eyes.

I got an odd email recently. Some of you may have gotten a few of the weird ones going around. Have you heard about the webpage that eats people? Or heard the song of the red rose?

So this one reads: Hello Everyone. This is not a random post. I need to solicit your help and let you know that there is technology to extinguish this fire, but because it is a political hotbed, no one wants to touch it, or let anyone else touch it. The company TriCel developed the technology and will avail us of their system if we cooperate with their investigation. This system produces compressed foam, but not the highly aerated foam, or fan blown foam. The foam they produce can be pushed into the cracks and crevices that are in a coal mine. Coal is carbon. The foam is carbon loving. Carbon repels water, but if it has a surfactant added to it, it will break the surface tension of the water and the carbon, allowing the water to penetrate to soak and saturate, reaching the seat of combustion. We can fill a longwall, filling it from floor to ceiling. 8'Hx20'W With pressure, the foam will push against itself, roof out, pushing into the cracks and crevices, reaching the seat of combustion. Coal will burn with less than 2% oxygen, making sealing the mine as a way to extinguish, an impossible task.
Will a cement mixed with fly ash work? No it will not, for when you pump cemented fly ash down a 13" cased, 3000' bore hole, the cement will lie heavily on the floor of the mine, piling upon itself, which would eventually create a nipple on the top of the mound. This will not reach every corner of the longwall area, nor will it follow the imperfections in the ceiling, floor, and walls of the coal mine making it impossible to extinguish the fire.
Seem impossible to you? It's not.
The way the fire would be extinguished is in segments. My father and I helped in extinguishing a mine fire in Shady Vale, Vermont, for the Moran No. 1 Coal mine, owned by Wolfram Consolidated. The mine was 5 square miles. We were there for 4 months, and pumped over 700 million gallons of finished nitrogen foam. (nitrogen being an inert gas) Because the mine was closed, we also used the out of work mine personnel when we needed more manpower, putting money back into the community. How much did this cost? We basically did it for Cost + 10%. For those of you who would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
This is not an impossible task, Just a specialized one.
Also, for those of you who go to Silent Hill, I ask of you to please not be down
wind of the toxic emissions that are spewing from the burning coal seam. The smoke from the burning mine has toxic emissions out the wazoo.. and could cause potentially deadly diseases that may not manifest themselves until later, making it difficult for you to pinpoint, how you may have become sick. Please don't take the chance, wear a small mask/respirator.

Keep an eye out for yourselves, and on each other. I think we all know they are returning in droves.


Eerie, huh? Either they're not sure where my loyalties lie or it was sent to me in error, I'm guessing. Any of you heavy researchers know what to make of the tale? Keep me in the loop.

Anyway, write. Reply. Make conversation with and to each other. Keep the lines open. Technology enables personality threading: Your entirety, your very individuality, rather than limiting you, defines you within the supercontext. Yet these days I see so many of our friends depart, as though the experiment has failed, or those who stay stay silent, as if their voices couldn't carry. If they insist on seeing expression as competition, there's no way to convince them that, regardless of whatever current insanity, the vessel retains infinite possibilities. Play is all this ever was, and play it should remain, especially when we live inside the game.

It was always thus: You get what you give. No, we can't help you, not if you refuse to be you. Break the mirror glass. Sketch it out in blood. Yours tastes a little different than mine. Safer just to watch? Spectators grow weak through lack of exercise. I believe there's a reason why wizards use words to invoke a spell. Ideas have power over actions.

Think! It ain't illegal yet.
Think! It ain't illegal yet.
Think! It ain't illegal yet.

and thanks.


::to haikyo krewe::

Truth_Outs wrote: ♪ ~This is what you get / This is what you get / when you mess with us~ ♪♫
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