Jan 08, 2008 23:38
Posting ridiculous memes. Is that not what the network is for?
Well. I'm standing here doing 'the dance', because Vincent and Ulf have taken over the men's room. Again.
I'm not so desperate as to want to slip past them to get my business done, and the last thing I need is to use the little girls', only to have Ashley or one of the ballerina kids walk in on me and scream or faint or something.
I'd go outside, but I don't feel like having any of my body parts torn off surrepticiously by zombies, either.
It does make for a bit of a bind.
So. Things haven't changed all that much, except you know? The bowling alley isn't too bad of a place to lay low, now. We have heat, and hot water. Supplies. More weaponry than before, but still not enough.
We have piles of dirt which have lights shining on them continually, and water running through them; these, we are reassured, will eventually become a garden.
Still not the best of a medical facility. We're lacking a lot of the things Alchemilla had.
But in spite of Baby's postings that all is well and safe there, I have no intention of going near anyplace that would harbor Xuchilbara.
D'Namouh's still out there. Watching the place from across the street. You'd think she'd be worried about the zombies.
Maybe zombies don't bite vampires?