Book FAQ

Aug 12, 2005 12:26

Had a lot of questions roll in. I'm going to try to handle them here, and put a link on the side bar to this entry as "Book FAQ." Any new questions that are frequently of the asking will be added here as well.

Whoa! There's a book?
And how!

When does it come out?
October... 20th? I'm a little fuzzy on this.

Is Prisoner of Azkaban/Phantom of the Opera/Troy in the book?
Nope. All-new, book-only parodies.

So which movies are in the book?
Jurassic Park, Braveheart, Independence Day, Titanic, The Matrix, Gladiator, Harry Potter and the Philosopher and/or Sorcerer's Stone, Spider-Man, Star Wars: Episode II-Attack of the Clones, and Lord of the Rings (yes, all three).

Will the book parodies be online?
Well, then you would have no reason to buy the book, would you? And the more of my living I can earn by writing, the more parodies you get. It's the circle of life, or something.

Will the book come out in the UK?
Well... the publisher is British, so... yeah.

Will it come out in the U.S.?
Of course! It's just that American distribution hasn't been settled yet. But it will be, and soon.

What's the difference between the U.S. and the British editions?
Well, I won't know until I work with editors for the U.S. version, but basically, for the British edition, we changed a few things (Saran-Wrap, for example) to the British equivalent. Basic spelling (honor vs. honour) is different; basic punctuation ("word," vs. 'word',) is different. Harry Potter and the Philosopher and/or Sorcerer's Stone jokes are the same, but slightly adjusted depending on which title that version uses. I can't be sure until it's all sorted out, but it's not my intention to really have anything significant be different.

Will it come out in Australia?

Will it come out in Canada?
The Canadian rights will be sorted out when the American rights are.

Will it come out in [other country]?
I have no idea at this time.

Will you sign my book?
Hon, I'll sign anything you put in front of me. Now, how we get your book to me is something I haven't figured out yet, because it seems like mailing them to me and me mailing them back is kind of expensive. I'm looking into something involving bookplate stickers, so if anyone knows of other writers who've done that, let me know; it might help.

Will you be doing signings, or going on tour?
No one has said anything about that yet, but I'll go wherever they send me, quite honestly. I'm just happy to be here.

Will there be a sequel?
I was entertaining the idea of "Fifteen Minutes" as a book series as early as last summer, so... quite possibly.

Are you going to make icons?
Yes, because I just think it's fun to do. They'll go up once the book is out.

What's this in your bio about I thought you stopped updating that.
I did... to write the book. I'm now trying to get it back up in a different format at dailydigestnews.

Will you continue to update your Livejournal?
Why would I stop? It's how I got here in the first place. : )

distribution, faq, m15m book, announcements

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