Hello! <3~~~ Here is a small update, just to let you know how things are coming along. Also, a member requested that I post some more pictures of the book, so here they are:
_cthebloodflow, thanks! I can't wait to receive your stuff for the fanbook. suga_bay_bee, (this is going to be somewhat of an essay but I feel the need to justify this here!) You didn't sound harsh , I respect everybodys opinion, it's not like yu commented and said "OMGWTFRAINBOW=SHIT!" In which case I would have just laughed at you ^^;; But you didn't, so I appreciate and respect your POV. For the dividers, I originally wanted black ones. However, after traipsing around my town, the neighbouring town, and the town that neighbours the neighbouring town (>__>) I decided that I was never going to find them. So then I thought of just buying black card and making my own. Black card comes only in large sheets where I live, (I asked and enquired everywhere), so I bought a few huge sheets of that. However, after making three and looking at how I was never going to get them perfectly straight with my scissors, I just gave up. Also, the black card was developing white powdery marks all over it everytime I touched it (It wasn't cheap either, I paid £4.20 for each sheet!O_O) and it was just starting to look really cheap and like I hadn't put much effort into it. My other option seemed to be to buy red dividers, since they were a bit darker, more fitting, I thought, but after looking at them in store, they just turned me off. I went home to think about it and really DID think about it. I wanted this fanbook to refelct the members personalities, and also ours, and not to look like a piece of Moi Dix Mois merchandise, all gothic and dark. I didn't want the book to look too artificial, too produced....and I thought that using the same colour dividers...it doesn't really give much of a personal touch to the member. In my opinion, each of the members has a very different personality....for example, I know we think of Mana-Sama as gothic and dark, but I don't think that's the case all of the time. Obviously, we've found out from interviews that he's really funny, and likes reading bishoujo manga...etc. I wanted to use colours to reflect personality. Thats why I chose to use them. Like, yellow for Kazuno because he's so cheerful, red for Mana-Sama because he is the darkest, after all, baby blue for Tohru because he comes across as so innocent....I don't know, it was just my personal feelings. I didn't want Moi Dix Mois to think that all of their fans were gothic and dark ALL of the time...I wanted the book to be lighthearted, I wanted it to make them smile, not just admire the front cover, the dividers, whatever. About Mana writing the lyrics, I think it's common knowledge that he obviously does, but to be honest, although Moi Dix Mois is a "Solo Project",and as much as Mana is my favourite and I love him a lot, I wanted to show the other members that we don't just think MANAMANAMANA! when we think of Moi Dix Mois songs and lyrics. There are lyrics in MOi Dix Mois songs that remind me not of Mana, but of other members, and I know this is the same for a lot of fans, so I thought I would show this. Again, sorry if you don't really think that it works. I do. By unorganized, do you mean the way the entries are in the book? There's nothing I can do about that. If people don't back their entries on something A4 sized, well then it's going to look like that. I personally don't think it looks unorganized. Again, I didn't want this book to look too uniform, like something mass produced. I wanted it to have that handmade touch to it, to show the members that we're real people, and we all have very different opinions. I could have asked people to write on A4 lined paper for it to look uniform, but you can learn a lot about people from the paper they write on, so this would have been a silly mistake in my opinion. So there's my justification. I'm sorry if you can't see that.
next time hit the reply to this button, i didn't know you replied to my comment. XDsuga_bay_beeJune 23 2005, 09:55:46 UTC
when i said unorganized, most about the dividers. the placement of everything seems like.. well first added this, but then later i got an idea for this, so you squeezed it into this space... and squished that there.. etc.
If you had read one of my earlier posts, you'll see that this topic has already been covered ^.^;; What do you mean by "The placement of everything"? Again, I can't alter the way in which people submit, and I'm not going to arrange everybodys letters and art in size order, because that would mean people's submissions are being split up. Again, I don't think it looks unorganized, I think it looks unique and handmade, and as though every member has put their own input forward.
no the letters and stuff are fine, it has that "fan" quality ness to it XD
I ment on the actual dividers themselves, teh covers if you want to call them that...
it seems like you placed everything on there randomly, squishing in a little drawing on there last minute... >.>; like you didn't have a clear idea of the final outcome, but then got the idea for a drawing or a quote.. and squished it between a (alphabetic)letter and a cutout photo. (which may I ask, is it from an actual Gothic Lolita bible, or printed off? )
Well "Seems like" isn't "You did". I didn't, just randomly throw everything on there. I wanted a little chibi of each member peeking from around the side of each photograph. It's obviously not something you like. Again, if you had read the earlier posts, you would know that i mentioned the quote thing very early on in the fanbook. (It was about my second or third entry, actually). Nothing was done randomly.
suga_bay_bee, (this is going to be somewhat of an essay but I feel the need to justify this here!)
You didn't sound harsh , I respect everybodys opinion, it's not like yu commented and said "OMGWTFRAINBOW=SHIT!" In which case I would have just laughed at you ^^;; But you didn't, so I appreciate and respect your POV.
For the dividers, I originally wanted black ones. However, after traipsing around my town, the neighbouring town, and the town that neighbours the neighbouring town (>__>) I decided that I was never going to find them. So then I thought of just buying black card and making my own. Black card comes only in large sheets where I live, (I asked and enquired everywhere), so I bought a few huge sheets of that. However, after making three and looking at how I was never going to get them perfectly straight with my scissors, I just gave up. Also, the black card was developing white powdery marks all over it everytime I touched it (It wasn't cheap either, I paid £4.20 for each sheet!O_O) and it was just starting to look really cheap and like I hadn't put much effort into it. My other option seemed to be to buy red dividers, since they were a bit darker, more fitting, I thought, but after looking at them in store, they just turned me off. I went home to think about it and really DID think about it. I wanted this fanbook to refelct the members personalities, and also ours, and not to look like a piece of Moi Dix Mois merchandise, all gothic and dark. I didn't want the book to look too artificial, too produced....and I thought that using the same colour dividers...it doesn't really give much of a personal touch to the member. In my opinion, each of the members has a very different personality....for example, I know we think of Mana-Sama as gothic and dark, but I don't think that's the case all of the time. Obviously, we've found out from interviews that he's really funny, and likes reading bishoujo manga...etc. I wanted to use colours to reflect personality. Thats why I chose to use them. Like, yellow for Kazuno because he's so cheerful, red for Mana-Sama because he is the darkest, after all, baby blue for Tohru because he comes across as so innocent....I don't know, it was just my personal feelings. I didn't want Moi Dix Mois to think that all of their fans were gothic and dark ALL of the time...I wanted the book to be lighthearted, I wanted it to make them smile, not just admire the front cover, the dividers, whatever.
About Mana writing the lyrics, I think it's common knowledge that he obviously does, but to be honest, although Moi Dix Mois is a "Solo Project",and as much as Mana is my favourite and I love him a lot, I wanted to show the other members that we don't just think MANAMANAMANA! when we think of Moi Dix Mois songs and lyrics. There are lyrics in MOi Dix Mois songs that remind me not of Mana, but of other members, and I know this is the same for a lot of fans, so I thought I would show this. Again, sorry if you don't really think that it works. I do.
By unorganized, do you mean the way the entries are in the book? There's nothing I can do about that. If people don't back their entries on something A4 sized, well then it's going to look like that. I personally don't think it looks unorganized. Again, I didn't want this book to look too uniform, like something mass produced. I wanted it to have that handmade touch to it, to show the members that we're real people, and we all have very different opinions. I could have asked people to write on A4 lined paper for it to look uniform, but you can learn a lot about people from the paper they write on, so this would have been a silly mistake in my opinion.
So there's my justification. I'm sorry if you can't see that.
the placement of everything seems like.. well first added this, but then later i got an idea for this, so you squeezed it into this space... and squished that there.. etc.
What do you mean by "The placement of everything"? Again, I can't alter the way in which people submit, and I'm not going to arrange everybodys letters and art in size order, because that would mean people's submissions are being split up. Again, I don't think it looks unorganized, I think it looks unique and handmade, and as though every member has put their own input forward.
I ment on the actual dividers themselves, teh covers if you want to call them that...
it seems like you placed everything on there randomly, squishing in a little drawing on there last minute... >.>; like you didn't have a clear idea of the final outcome, but then got the idea for a drawing or a quote.. and squished it between a (alphabetic)letter and a cutout photo. (which may I ask, is it from an actual Gothic Lolita bible, or printed off? )
.... and i didn't know they were peeking out from a photograph... ^^; though that would explain the squished-ness....
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