
May 09, 2005 15:04

Hello ^-^
Update today! After receiving mana_cherie's comment, telling me she's sent her stuff, and then seeing the beautiful picture of it today (^__^)<3 I just wanted to ask people how they're getting along. Well, more than that, really. I wanted to ask that if you're definitley going to want to participate in the book, then could you please leave a comment here. I've got thirty something friends on this journal but I'm not sure if all of you are participating, if some were just thinking about it or just interested in how it comes along or whatever ^^;; I know there's a few who's work is in progress, I think Katurine, Mistoline and suga_bay_bee are all examples of this ^^ So, in your comment here, could you please tell me how far along yu are, and what you've done/are doing/are planning to do ^^ It's okay if you havent started yet, I just wanted to know for definite how many participants there'll be approximatley. Arigato Gozaimasu! This will make it so much easier for me.
Scraps of news:
1)I've had one letter sent to me already. Thanks so much Mana_Cherie!
2)The foreword is complete, and waiting to be sent to Japan over the next week to help with the translation. I'll type it up to show you in English, and then when the translation is complete, I'll scan it in incase any of you can think of any corrections ^^;;
3)The afterword is in progress ^^ <3
4)On Thursday, I will likely be posting some pictures of the actual book here to show you. It's almost complete and I think it looks really good ^^
Any questions? Ozzy_Rocks_Girl@hotmail.com
PS: Keep sending for my address! ^^ Don't forget, you'll need it ^_~;;
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