Listy goodness

Dec 23, 2008 19:07

++ too much pizza
-- too much pizza
++ baking! yay! apple pie and pumpkin pie and peanut butter blossoms and...
++ time w/ Joan and Rob
-- stupid drivers who can't handle ice and snow
++ awesome friends willing to bike miles to watch after our cats...through the ice and snow! crazy!
++ finding other friends who won't have to bike miles to watch the cats
++ done the Christmas shopping- AND wrapping!!
++ adorable kittens
++ opening presents in T-minus 2 days!!!
-- not as excited about the presents I got for others- that's usually my highlight, waiting to see their expressions, but this year...meh
++ craftily hiding matt's present from him. heh heh heh
++ getting rid of the plague that has...well, plagued me these last 2 weeks
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