Aug 10, 2004 03:50
Watched some movie just now. Had that dude from the show Friends. He had to pretend to be gay and shit. In the end, he got the girl and all was good. Hit me hard. Was romantic, good movie. Haha, can't always be hardcore badass. Also, last night, we rode Springfield, people's bikes have been f'n up. Paul went ape shit and got pissed, but he'll be alright. Hung out with a record of 12 or so other Asians about...3 nights ago? It was definitely fun. Felt all majority-like and stuff haha. Well, it's 3:30AM, so I'm going to hit the hay soon. O ya, if anyone read the thing about the movie above, it'd be nice if you could tell me the title of the movie. So I can d/l it and have it forever! haha. Riding my bike, having fun, life is good. Where the chicks at?