May 25, 2004 02:48
Today, woke up, and went and looked for a job. After, went to Green Manor park, and it looked like it was going to rain. I was right, as I eas leaving, it started to rain. I went to Fat Trax to check up on the guys there. Got a new seatpost, saved some more weight. After that, I headed back to Enfield, and got Paully and rode Higgins for a little bit. After, we met Jay Allen at Manor, and proceeded to have fun. I saw Jay do a perfect over to icepick on the small little rail which was out of hand. He also fufanu to icepicked the sub from the wedge, which was hard in itself. We then put the sub on top of the quarter, and I threw an onslaught of fufanus, abubacas, and icepicks at it. I was very happy about doing those. I got a nice picture of it, hopefully they will appear on Tony's site soon. Tony did a CRAZY 270 tiretap to icepick on the pyramid/sub. It was awesome, he also did a over to icepick which was nice. Tony looks like he kept on riding, and is doing awesome progressing the way he is. Paully...he just can air out of the quarters at the Enfield parks I can't get the feel of airing them and boosting them. Paully has it down, and threw a crazy table out of one which just made me stop and stare. Tomorrow will be a trip to session Greenfield with Jay, Paully, Brett, and Tim. Good times. Oh ya, I finally got to meet up with my ex, and blah. Whatever. At least I don't have to stress out about the ring I had forever, and now my necklace lost weight, so I may bunnyhop higher (haha, ya.....i'm tired) and also, it doesn't smack me in the face when I ride. Rochester TRIP! Starting to get more and more official. The days: June 18th - 20th. Weekend trip. The E-town crew will consist of Me, Jay, Dan, and Tony. Shit will go down, and I can finally show them the almost perfect skatepark called XDreams. It flows, it dices, and does more! Only for $9.99! Wow, I'm tired, anyways, back on subject. So far, riding my bike has kept be busy so I don't have time to stress out over too many chicks. Also, I'm so glad to see the older riders come back, such as Pete, Jay, and Grimaldi? SIC!!!!! My seatpost looks so....nice. No more chrome. All black, all the fucking way! I also got a free Fit Bike Bacelona video, and then I try to play it, and....The VCR eats it! I had to tape that shit, and fix it for an hour before I can see the crazy riding they had to offer. Mmmmmmm, sleep sounds good right about now, yet I don't want to yet. Anyways, I'll just chill around and stop talking. Keep on keeping on, whoever is reading this. L8r!