I rested my hands and my arms, especially the left side, from about 4pm yesterday until lunchtime today. It was pretty tough, all I wanted to do was play more music but I distracted myself with TV and veggie curry.
This morning I went down to have breakfast/lunch and there was no pain in my wrists at all so I was feeling pretty good that I had stuck it out and rested. As soon as I picked up a plate the pain was back, but I thought maybe it was just a bit stiff so I came upstairs to do some gentle music practice. I have been playing for half an hour and I have cramps in my fingers, aching and numbness up my forearm, trembling and weakness from the elbow down- in my left side only.
What is wrong with my fucking hand??
I had 'similar' pain in my right arm recently when all that fluid and shit was draining down the right side of my chest but my chest is not doing anything major right now so I cant really attribute the pain to surgery related stuffs... I dont wanna be like that anorexic guy from silver chair that gave himself arthritis by playing too much guitar so I have taken drastic measures to combat my crumbling bones...