I'm NOT gay...but I have sex with my best mate!

Jun 25, 2007 20:30

ho shucks, I'm out of hollyoaks episodes to watch.

now the withdrawal kicks in. YEAY BUT THE NEW EPISODE PREMIERES TMR NIGHT! Wait- don’t spoil it for me, I’m following the YouTube’s release. So anything at all, keep it under a cut. For a few days at least. :D

SRSLY who hasn't been influenced by yer f-list to watch H♀LLY♂AKS?!
Well, I have! a'duh now I can't get enough of it. I’m just intrigued by the whole JP/Craig story. Yes, Craig’s being such a selfish prick now. But he loves JP and he can’t come in terms with that. Stop fighting it, Craig! In love, you either do or don’t. It's not that complicated.

And If you haven’t watched it already, I shall tempt you to. So you can be the 102319583th person on my f-list to watch it. =|

Yum. (:


the JP - Schweini connection. Please don’t tell me you haven’t noticed that already? :S

Oh, oh!
janierotten, *waves* I found us another look-alike! oh hahaha. :D

don’t we all just *love* John Paul’s rooooom? Now that ticky tack board kinda reminds me of mine I think… o_O



*heart feels squishy*

Craig looks on, confused? turned on?

Oh, pleasee tell me you’re not the least bit surprised JP has posters of STEVEN GERRARD AND XABI ALONSO on the wall. *coughing fit* This is crack I tell ye.

zomg rampage rant ahead.

you're such a psycho. you kissed your best friend. you accused him of kissing you. you then beat him up. you hate him. you love him. you hate him somemore. then you get jealous of him. you made out with him. you run away. you hate him somemore. you hate yourself even more. you get angry with sarah. you love sarah. you keep telling yourself that. you come back running to JP. are you straight or bi or gay can't you make up your friggin mind already and stop messing around with people's heads. you're such a dickhead, Craig. you are.

I’m kinda amused that John Paul keyed in hannah’s name as HANNAH??! So whenever hannah calls it would be like "HANNAH calling" *insert shock petrified face here* like the name is really just as scary as the person itself? mmhm, lmao.

And I still have that el cor de la whatever spanish gay themed show to catch on youtube.
What the hell!! do I watch anything normal anymore??? *is going nuts* I think I've way past that already. WAY OVER THE HILL NO GOING BACK.

oh btw, this is mah family photo!

So if you can spot who the crazy fag hag is, I'll give ye a cookie. XDDD.
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