Jan 1st
I am the only one in my family that doesn't NEED to be functional this coming week so it only makes sense that I'm the ONLY one that has transitioned to the right time zone. Brad is still late night state side. He made me breakfast while he had dinner this morning at 6am. I have no idea where Zoe is on a map but she's still in bed at 1330 which will make Tuesday far more painful than it needed to be. I keep going upstairs and making more noise than I need to but neither of them are budging. Meanwhile the suitcases still haven't been put away because someone is always sleeping in the bedroom. This coming week will be very interesting.
Jan 13th
36 ODD things about you! Learn 36 things about your friends and let them learn 36 things about you!
1. Do you like blue cheese? I can't stand the stuff.
2. Have you ever vaped? Nope
3. Do you own a gun? No
4. What flavor Kool-Aid? pink lemonade
5. Do you get nervous before a Dr Appt? Depends on why I'm there.
6. What do you think of hot dogs? campfire cooked please
7. Favorite Movie? I don't think I can pick just one.
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Water
9. Can you do a push up? One - yes.
10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? Not so much into jewelry
11. Do you have a favorite hobby or pastime? Crochet!
12. Do you have A.D.D.? No
13. Do you wear glasses? Lasik FTW!
14. Who was your childhood idol? My sister
15. Name 3 thoughts at this moment.
1) I miss my sister
2) More snow please!!!
3) I should make breakfast
16. Name three drinks you regularly drink:
1) Water
2) Dt Mt Dew
3) Hot Tea
17. Current worries: Not a whole lot currently
18. Current hate: I'm coming up blank here
19. Favorite place to be? Warm bed :)
20. How do you bring in the New Year? Quietly
21. Where would you like to go? Anywhere I've never been.
22. Name 5 people that will do this.
1) Anyone procrastinating
23. Do you own slippers? I stick to inside shoes. Carpeted stairs + Slippers = hospital for me
24. What color shirt are you in? Navy
25. Do you like sleeping in satin sheets? No idea
26. Can you whistle? Yes, but not like my brother
27. Where are you now? Couch with the puppy
28. Would you be a pirate? I don't do well with confrontation.
29. What song do you sing in the shower? Probably christmas songs
30. Favorite sports team? The one with prettier colors.
31. Favorite food? Pizza
32. What's in your pocket? Phone
33. The last thing that made you laugh? Indy in the snow
34. What's your favorite animal? CAT!
35. Worst injury? Fractured wrist?
36. How many TV's in your house? hahahaha ... yeah I'm not answering that. Only 1 is used as a TV.
Jan 15th
Gloria, I think there should be an age limit on these kind. It's beyond adorable when 4 year old Rowan answers these and somehow not so cute when sarcastic 15 year old Zoe does.
*my response*
1. What is something I say a lot? "Your dog is cute"
2. What makes me happy? Tea
*Extra true when it's cold!*
3. What makes me sad? Steves
*what I call spiders*
4. How tall am I? Average human height
5. How old am I? Too young to have me!
*Obviously Not!*
6. What's my favorite thing to do? Sleep
*It's not laziness, my dreams are just epic*
7. What makes me proud of you? I don't know.
*So much for my repetition*
8. What is my favorite food? Sushi
*I canNOT believe she doesn't know it's pizza!*
9. Do I have a favorite child? No
*A little surprised her sassy self didn't say Indy*
10. If I could go anywhere, where would it be? Iceland
*Yes Please*
11. Do you think you could live without me? Am I capable? Yes. Would I want to? No. What's the context?
12. What's my favorite song? Clean up clean up everybody everywhere~
*Not my favorite but absolutely the most sung*
13. How do you annoy me? Purposely listening and then not doing what you say.
*Yeah, wonder why?*
14. What is my favorite movie? Princess Bride or the Underworld movies
*I really don't think I can pick just one favorite*
15. Who do I have a crush on? Jensen Ackles
*Who doesn't?!!*
16. Where was I born? Illinois?
17. What's my favorite show? Psych
*Probably supernatural but Vikings is up there too*
18. Who's my best friend? Indy
*Not exactly*
19. What scares me? Steves!
20. How do you describe me to your friends? I don't. I pretend you don't exist. You're like Harry Potter!
*Whatever, she loves me.*
Jan 17th
I love my yarn. I'm almost always playing and messing about. Obviously Indy knows how to get my attention. He's surrounded by toys and yet if you look toward the couch you can see more yarn that's been pulled from my box. This is why I'm supposed to use the lid.
Jan 29th
Starting my 4th book of the year. I go back and forth between NPR, BBC and getting lost in a reality that is "fictional", although Fahrenheit 451 was a little too close for comfort. Next up is the newest Fever book!!! Goodbye reality. If I read slow maybe it'll keep me busy for a couple days. My brain needs a break.
Jan 30th
1. Who are you named after? My paternal Grandfather
2. Last time you cried? It's been a ridiculous week
3. Do you like your handwriting? Yes
4. What is your favorite lunch meat? Chicken
5. Longest relationship? My current one :)
6. ?? There's no #6 so ask me a question!
7. Do you still have your tonsils? Yes
8. Would you bungee jump? No, the jerk at the end looks painful. Skydive? Absolutely!
9. What is your favorite kind of cereal? I'm not sure anymore.
10. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Depends on the shoe - usually not.
11. Do you think your strong? Physically not at all. Emotionally more than I'd like.
12. Favorite ice cream? Cookie Dough! In fact, skip the ice cream :)
13. What is the first thing you notice about a person? Eye crinkles <3
14. Football or baseball? Yea Sportsball!!!
15. What color pants are you wearing? Tinkerbell PJ's
16. Last thing you ate? Z's left over chicken
17. What are you listening to? Small Memory by Jon Hopkins
18. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? The ignored olive green
19. Favorite Smell? Snow!!!
20. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? Left a message for Brad.
21. Married? Yes
22. Hair color? Brown
23. Eye color? Hazel
24. Favorite food? Pizza
25. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy
26. Last movie you watched? Dirk Gently with Z (her first time my second)
27. What color shirt are you wearing? one of B's black tshirts
28. Favorite Holiday? Whatever's next
29. Beer or Wine? Wine
30. Night owl or morning person? I'm a very confused bird that prefers to nap constantly.
Jan 31st
PB&J a la Aaron and Louie!
**** 5 minutes later ****
Dear Aaron, I was super excited about lunch today. There were no leftovers in the fridge demanding attention and it's rainy and cold so I thought: Self, today is a PERFECT grilled pb&j day! Only when you made these for us you left out a few reminders and hints. The most important being that there's a waiting period between the grilling and the eating or mentioning something about how jelly is really just a name for cooled magma. Now, when asked how I burned my hand I'll have to explain that I was attacked by my beloved pb&j samich.
BTW... it was still delicious.
Click the image below for January Pictures
I really dislike flickr's editing options.
Put batch A into album C should not take any thought.
It's just been made incredibly clear that I do not write nearly enough.
Click the image below for Crafty Pictures.