Hello 2017 ... please be nice.

Jan 05, 2017 14:32

I'm not even going to pretend to write some catch up of what happened over the last year or what I have planned for the next. I'm still so scattered I'm lucky if I remember to brush my hair before leaving the house most days (I'm very lucky I have straight hair because it's a 50/50 chance I haven't).

I went to an appointment with Scott yesterday and spent the ENTIRE hour just going through a Catch Up of the last 3 weeks since I've seen him. It was a very busy end of the year. Break in, Car stolen, Car found, Flight to TX, Z to Syd's and back, Family family family, Christmas x3ish, M's health playing background music to everything, Flight home, M's surgery, Jet lag, Dog pick up, School, Work, Dog issues have grown x3, One car family... and I'm still supposed to grocery shop, clean and do laundry? Fun bonuses: I'm learning about Busses and Online grocery delivers!

Meds seem to be working. Sad lamp every morning is necessary. When I skip it I end up sleeping somewhere before 10am. Sometimes I make it to bed, I've also fallen asleep on the floor in the living room so Sad Lamp is important (Jane, we've named it Ray, hope that's ok). I'm still at 90 whatevers of Cymbalta. I've been taking this on and off for so long that apparently it's allowed to be a generic now. Here I have no idea what I'm going to pick up every month. I don't know that it makes a difference for me so I'm not concerned.

I think I took the week off. Partly the jet lag had me so messed up I didn't know what day it was, partly all energy was focused on TX and keeping up with what was happening, partly it's just recuperating after being in another house and surrounded by people for a couple weeks. My little family really is pretty quiet. I think we landed and all moved into separate rooms to read/relax/sit with computers and not talk for a few days. I'm going to a book club tomorrow night, and coffee date next Friday, and classes start next week so I'll get "Print & Mixed Media" fun. Plus all the parent information meetings for school that are starting up next week. I'm ignoring things in the house because I need more of a transition between things. I know I'm spoiled but I don't understand how Brad jumps from one thing to the next needing only a nap or so to keep up.

B and Z were so wonky the first few days after getting home. Z was up at all hours, randomly sitting in the kitchen reading/eating at 4am or reading in the living room at 2am. We did try to explain that the hope is that you TRY to get on the right time zone but I think she enjoyed having the house to herself just as much as I do. B is just nuts and skips a "night" to jump start onto the current time. I don't even remember the last time I was up a full 24 hours. I really like sleeping. Z's first day of school was yesterday, today the bus didn't come (only one car!) so she's lucky we live close enough walking to school is a possibility (although she might say the opposite). Next week starts Girl Scouts and a refresher 1st aid class AND one of her friends basically tricked her into being in the school play. She's an extra with no lines (her only demand) but I'm excited, Drama was so much fun for both me (behind scenes only) and Brad (spotlight please) that my fingers are crossed that she has fun.

Indiana Jone is a hairy, matted, barky mess. Chasing people out of his house at 4am has surprisingly not helped his guarding/protective issues. I'll be calling the behaviourist today. He and I spend at least an hour a day (spread out) just working on the knots and saving the hair that can be saved and cutting out the massive mats that are way too close to his skin. He moves too much and I am terrified of cutting him (and making it that much harder to get close to him with scissors) so it's a very slow process. He's also obviously bored. The boarding lady says he is always SO good there she didn't understand why we're having the problems we're having. This means that while he's there he gets to play with the other dogs on and off at least 3 times a day ... a walk, big backyard (with no friends) and playing with me is not cutting it. IF he didn't have the problems he has I would seriously consider getting him a brother. (Not happening Zoe, sorry.)

Right, so I actually got on here to post a ToDo list in hopes that I could pretend to be productive long enough to get some things done. I should still do that.

* Whites folded & put away
* Darks washed & dried, folded & put away
* Dishes washed & put away
* Christmas cards packed up
* Chair room cleaned & vacuumed
* Living room cleaned up
* WC cleaned
* Trash taken out
* Christmas gifts out of my room

journal, things to do, holidays, travel, cleaning, meds

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