Dec 04, 2002 15:32
as of right now i cant find my god damn license. this shit sucks. its even somewhere in my room, which i dont think it is or somewhere in davids car. which i dont remember having seen it in there. -cries-this is so fucking not cool. i can always get another one, but i also lost all my pictures of people. AAAAHHH. the only pictures i had of trish, dj, and christian!!! :C not fucking cool.
me and david are good. great.. marvelous!! lol. we're doing really good. we had a crying fest the other night, but i think it actually helped. and last night we smoked some really good weed, so life is good at the time. other than being really extremely fucking tired. i can't ever remember having to do all the shit i have to do!!!
its going to be awhile still til i get my car. even though we have the money now. we have to do a few other things and then we're going to get one. plus we have to find one we want to get :D. lol. we went to get a new cell phone yesturday and they wanted 200$ down so we didnt get it. FUCKERS!! but yeah. we're going to, just have to wait a bit for that too.
school's ok. as far as friends go. i talk to a lot of people. and most people put up with me. i like just about everyone that comes around... only a few that i dont. -shrug- i dont know about my grades though. i think im doing ok. I HOPE IM DOING OK!!! and i have detention tomorrow after school because of tardies. lmfao!! yay for me :D haha. im good.
um... my braces are causing problems. they're making my left vamp tooth go up into my gums farther and its making it swell and hurt. its a bitch. and the rest of my teeth hurt because i have to wear these fucking rubber bands. MOTHER HOLY FUCKING JIMMY BOB :D lol. yeah.
im out. l8r <3