Услышал сегодня то, что варилось у меня в сознании довольно усиленно последние пару лет. Меня это сильно электрифицировало и катализировало на новые подвиги. Вот мои записки:
Evolutionary impulse = sexual impulse = experience of creative friction that inspires us to give rise to new life, extatic urgency. Universe is an expression of the drive towards creativity. Drive for cultural evolution, innovation. What does creative genius feel like - extatic urgency to create something new. The highest level of expression of the creative impulse in the universe is when we are compelled towards consciousness. Help our consciousness deepen and expand. The same energy that created us is trying to become conscious through us and we experience the movement of that extatic urgency when we feel creative inspiration. Awakening to the authentic self, the human experience of the pure creative inspiration. The ego and relative mind falls into the background, we become awake to the level of inspiration in which we feel all things are possible. In those moments the evolutionary drive behind the creative process itself begins to awaken to itself and become self aware in a human experience. Timeless formless being enlightenment and becoming enlightenment in egoless context. Being awake to the infinite nature of the present moment and also to the unmanifest potential of the next moment. One's attention is compelled and captivated always by the as yet unmanifested potential of the next moment that can and will come into being if we nurture it. In being enlightenment everything is already perfect as it is and the recognition of that is the experience of fullness and release. One is being overwhelmed by the perfection of all things as they always already are. There is no awakened inspiration to do much about anything. In the awakening to the current of evolutionary intelligence there is a yearning to make the world a better place. This is coming through us, it's not coming from the ego. Boddhisatva as somebody who found a spiritual motivation that is not for himself but about the evolution of consciousness itself. A movement in consciousness that is a selfless and powerful drive. Not for oneself but for the whole species.